Day One- Destination Johnston, Iowa and the Fisher Family
The journey started at 4 am this morning. In actuality it stated much before that. Really it began when our good friends Amy and Ted told us about their adventure in following the Louis and Clark trail a while back. From there we began thinking about how neat it would be to travel to the Laura Ingalls Homestead in De Smet, South Dakota. Of course when you begin to think about driving all the way to De Smet, you begin to realize that if you're going to go that far, you might as well go to the Badlands, and Mount Rushmore. From there you realize that if you've already traveled that distance the Rocky Mountains are beautiful as well, and what about the Grand Canyon? Suddenly, you realize you've created a whirlwind trip and wonder if it is even possible.
After much discussion we decided that driving and camping on a two week adventure was feasible and so the planning began. We created a list of places we wanted to see and then determined, thanks to what order to visit these places. Lists were made, just part of who I am I guess. Supplies were gathered, and the van was packed. Everyone went to bed early on the night of the 17th, and so when the alarm went off at 3 in the morning on the 18th we were mostly awake and definitely excited to get going.
At 3:30 am we woke the kids, gathered the last items out of the house, locked the doors and headed off. Praying in the car before the journey we asked for traveling mercies, for everyone to get along and for an exciting time. At 4:15am we approached a rest stop along the Ohio turnpike. What a welcome site to find that Starbucks was already opened. We grabbed peppermint mocha's to go with the muffins we had made at home and continued on our journey. The rest of the day was spent driving from Ohio across the I's. Indiana, Illinois and finally into Iowa! Drive was the word of the day. We tried to make our stops as quick as possible and after 11 hours and one lost hour due to a time change, we arrived at the home of the Fisher Family!
We were so excited to see them, as it had been 2 years since the last time we were able to be together. We spent the rest of the day catching up with their family, and also took a run over to the home gym of Olympic Gymnast Shawn Johnson.
While we missed her that day, we did get a few pictures of Katie in front of the gym.
Following our run to the gym we picked up some very yummy bbq for dinner as well as a giant ice cream cake to celebrate Father's Day. It was a great visit, and while we certainly wished we could stay up all night catching up we knew that the next day we had more driving to do before arriving at the next location. We headed to bed around midnight, which was really 1 am for those of us that had woken up in the Eastern time zone at 3 am! The next day was on the horizon so we tried to get to sleep as quick as we could. If we could do this leg of the trip over again we'd try and plan a bit more time in Iowa. Seeing the Fisher's every 2 years just isn't enough!
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