Saturday, January 24, 2015

An Honest Confession, plus reviews for books 2 and 3 of 2015

I dislike not finishing something when I start it, but I also am finding the older I get the more I want to invest in worth while things and not waste my time, money, life on pursuits that aren't worth it.  So, I tried, I really did.  I started reading Welcome to Fred, by Brad Whittington, but I just couldn't keep going. The story was interesting to a point.  It started with a young man going through his father's things upon his death and then beginning to reflect on his own life.  I'm sure from the reviews I read that some found it a riveting book.  I just didn't.  I was taking forever to read it, which for me is an indication that it just wasn't something I was interested in.  So, I finally decided to give myself permission to delete the book.  I had gotten it for free at some point on my kindle, so it wasn't costing me anything to get rid of it.  Except perhaps my pride for not finishing something I started, but really?!  Pride over reading something I wasn't enjoying, that's just silliness. I also deleted the sequel that I had also downloaded.  Finally, found the freedom in doing that and moving on.  If you do decide to read the books let me know what you think, I just could not get into them, and don't plan on trying again.

That being said I scrolled through my kindle and discovered the book
Confessions of a Prayer Slacker  by Diane Moody
I started this book and quickly got found myself looking for opportunities to read it.  The book focuses on the thing as Christians we often push aside and miss, true time with the Father, and why it is so important.  We think of it as something so formal, a time to make requests, but truly it is a time to get to know the Father, as a person, as a friend.  We, often as Christians, turn prayer into a ritual, something it shouldn't be or become and then we just bring it into our lives in quick little bursts instead of making it a part of who we are.  Diane admits struggling with this area of her life, and how she learned to turn prayer into spending time, in a sense over coffee, with her true friend.  This book is a great reminder to us all, to make our prayer life a priority. If it was a physical relationship with the person we loved we'd find a way to take the time. How can we continue to put it off? Diane offers suggestions for getting started, and truth about how it isn't an easy road at times to take. We allow the busyness of life to get in our way.  An honest reflection and worth the read for someone interested in growing their relationship with the Lord.
5 stars for this book

Next, I decided to read the book Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay, given to me by my friend Staci.
This book was incredibly hard to put down, and yet I wanted to push it aside, to not think of the horror the one character in the book had to live with.  She was just a child, but was living in 1942, a time when as a Jew she would face issues that no one should have to ever deal with.  This book traces her life, through those autrecities, and then follows the life of a journalist that has just discovered the story.  The journalist discovers a link between this child of the past and her family, that she can't believe.  She must then decide if she can walk away from the connection or if she needs to pursue it and find out the truth.  A riveting mystery, disturbing due to the horrible things that were done to the Jews, and yet causing you to keep turning pages to see the love and care that some did offer during this time. 
5 stars for this book as well, just be prepared to walk away reflecting on life.

What's next then?  I think continuing with my theme of non-fiction then fiction, I'm going to start a book that was recommended by several friends on Facebook. is the link for the book 
 This book goes along with my theme for the year of decluttering and getting rid of all the extras that we really don't need in our lives.  While we live within our means as a family, we like so many, spend more I'm sure then we should, and often take money for granted.  I'm looking forward to going through the book, and the corresponding workbook, which I was able to download for free when purchasing the book.

Happy Reading!!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Six Ways to Keep the "Little" in Your Girl: Book 1 for 2015

Book 1
Six Ways to Keep the "Little" in Your Girl
by Dannah Gresh

We are living in a time period where we are allowing our children to grow up quickly.  It is a scary time, because things we didn't have to deal with as children our kids now deal with earlier. They are constantly bombarded with social media, and television programs that talk about boyfriend/girlfriend relationship at a young age, given clothing choices that aren't suitable for them, and ability to contact people without us as parents even knowing they are doing it.  While the title might suggest that we should make our daughters act or behave as though they are truly still "little" kids when they are in their tweens and beyond, is not the case at all for the book.

The book is about helping them grow and develop in a way that allows them to still have their childhood.  To learn how to play, for instance, instead of being forced into an adult role early.  To experience role playing, with dolls and kitchens and other things that allow them to mimic jobs they might have later in life.  To be active and to enjoy doing things that don't have a screen.  This isn't easy, even when you have screen limitations.  The biggest problem in the screen limitations is that we don't give ourselves any when we are trying to get our kids to respect them.  When was the last time you turned your phone off, or decided not to look at Facebook or Twitter or Instagram when you could be looking at, talking to or spending time with your child?  We need to lead by example. We need to play with our kids, we need to show our kids that media is not going to run our lives.  Setting limits and sticking with them for the whole family is a great idea.  Recently, our pediatrician asked, when our daughter mentioned having trouble sleeping, if she is watching anything in her room or texting anyone at bedtime.  For the most part the answer is no, although sometimes she feels she needs to wind down by looking at Pinterest.  The problem is, he said, looking at screens the last 60 minutes before you are trying to sleep actually causes your brain to have more trouble settling down.  So, we need to adjust. While our kids have their phones in their room on docks charging and listening to music we need to adjust the rule to no screen time for about an hour before bed. We also need to follow through on that, by checking on them.  In addition, we need to practice what we preach and do the same for our health.

It's not just about screens though. The clothing industry and the toy industry are trying to get us to raise a generation of girls that show off more of their bodies to the world then they should. Clothing is tight, short and low cut. Dolls wear the same thing and society finds it acceptable.  As parents we must make choices in guiding our daughters in modesty, and sexual purity. We can do this by helping them to make choices in what they wear and what we are willing to buy.  They can still be fashionable, but we need to work hard to stay on top of what they have access to. We ourselves need to be checking our clothing as well, what are we demonstrating? I'm so glad that I've started this early with my daughter. She understands that yoga pants and leggings are not pants to wear without something covering your butt.  When she picks out outfits we discuss her needing to get final approval from Dad on whether things are to low, tight or short, and to realize that as she grows we may tell her no, and she will be expected to change from time to time to something more appropriate. Since we started this early, she seems to have a good understanding of what is right and wrong. While she puts pins of dresses for future dances on Pinterest (a site I can monitor her access on), she's already paying attention to if they are too short or too low cut.  If they are, she doesn't choose them. She will comment privately to me when people she sees are wearing things that aren't suitable and then we have the ability to openly discuss the topic again.

The book suggests that you should also talk to your children about sexual activity as they mature. Starting off with just enough information and growing in what they know,  so that they are aware of the truth and your values and beliefs before they are presented with what the world feels is acceptable.  This can be a scary topic, but the author gives suggestions on how to natural speak on such things.

There are other items covered in the book as well. Topics and thoughts that will help you learn to be more involved in your daughter's life and to guide and direct her on the path to growing into the young woman God has designed her to be.  Dannah makes no excuse for her book using Biblical quotes and connotations. She is a Christian and stands by what she believes. Her thoughts are sound, and very often even supported by those who'd find her religious beliefs not to their liking.  Are we willing to protect our daughters and raise them into beautiful young women?

I found many of the ideas in the book helpful, and also was able to be thankful that many of them I had already done with my daughter as she was younger.  This book ideally should be read prior to the tween years, and in my opinion would be the most helpful to a mother of an 8-10 year old.  It is one I plan on passing along to a friend with a daughter in that age range and I do highly recommend it.

Up next:

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Dishes in the Sink- A Kitchen Reflection

I admit it, I'm obsessed with organization. Not that I'm entirely organized, although most my friends would tell you I am, but more that I love reading, thinking and planning on organizing.  Actually doing the organization itself even is enjoyable.  So, it should come as no surprise that for 2015 I signed up to work through the 52 week challenge with Home-Storage and accepted the 14 week Organization Challenge with  The 52 week challenge is one that focuses on one area for each week of the year.  Not only do they have a theme for the week, you can also download the monthly calendar to access each days 15 minute job.

Really, 15 minutes a day can lead to organization?  YES! Several years ago I read the book The 15 Minute Organizer by Emilie Barnes and it changed my outlook on so many things.  I began to see that what we say we don't have time for can typically be done if we break it into 15 minute a day segments. Doing this helped me not only work on areas of the house I wanted to work on, it also allowed me to get several scrapbooks completed and read several books.  I still use the ideas from that book today, and doing so continues to allow me to take some time for things I want to accomplish each day.  15 minutes isn't a lot of time, but it is affordable time.  I don't believe there are too many people that couldn't find 15 minutes in their day for something.  In fact I'd venture to guess that sometimes, after setting the timer and working for 15 minutes, many would discover that they could actually set it for 15 more minutes and do that much more.  With that in mind, I think the Home Storage Solutions monthly calendar is a wonderful tool for getting things accomplished.  It also has wonderful tips for getting started, and staying organized.

If that's the case though, why does my January calendar on January 8th have all the days of the month except for 8 crossed off?  The main reason is I'm in a different season of my life where I'm working outside of the home pretty much full time. As a substitute teacher, and mother of 2 teenagers it's not always easy to tackle an extra job.  I do still take 15 minutes of the day to do something I want to do, but as much as I love organizing sometimes I want to spend my 15 minute working on my son's scrapbook, reading an extra chapter in my book, or looking through Pinterest. With that in mind I've decided that when I do have a day off I would look through the monthly jobs and do more then 1 days worth.  I started the month doing only the job for the day, but today it's -12 with windchill and school was cancelled, so I decided I wanted to tackle the majority of the kitchen.

A year ago I went though the kitchen and really decluttered. I got rid of plastic cups and containers we never use, bakeware that had been just sitting in the cabinet and ended up with 1 whole drawer and 2 different cabinets with 1/2 empty top shelves! So the decluttering part of this months mission wasn't needed as much as the general straightening of the cabinets.  After all, we live in our house and use our kitchen and therefore sometimes don't put things back where they go. So how long did it take to go through all of the cabinets, wiping them down on the inside and straightening them? 60 minutes. On the calendar itself it breaks the jobs down into smaller sections then just cabinets, so instead of the 16 different 15 minute missions (i.e. food storage containers, plastic bottles and cups) I just chose to go through my whole kitchen at once.

Organization is doable. Find some good books, you can read my blog for reviews on several organization books, download the calendar and missions from or make your own lists of tasks you want to get done.  Having things where they belong and knowing how to keep them that way really will keep your life running more smoothly.  My final tip, label areas so that others know what goes there, or at the very least tell the family that you just organized, for example, the kitchen and ask them to please look around to make sure they know where things go before putting things away.

Once you have an organization plan, and have accomplished it staying on top of the area is key.  For me I am working on getting some daily and weekly habits going to maintain the kitchen area.
Daily I plan on keeping the dishes out of the sink. Either by loading the dishwasher/emptying the dishwasher in the am or at dinner, or putting any drying dishes away before bed.  Wiping down counters after each meal, and straightening the pantry while making the grocery list every Saturday, as needed. Simple steps that will make the kitchen function better, and make me feel better. After all, coming downstairs in the morning to a sink full of dishes just makes me feel like I'm starting the day behind.

Best of luck with the organizing in 2015 should you choose to jump into the challenges that are out there to rid your lives of the extra clutter that is taking up your space!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Books and a New Year!

For the past several years I've challenged myself to keep reading. It's something I love to do, but have found I don't always take the time to do.  Reading grows your mind in so many ways and in an edge where we're plugged in way to often it's a way to escape and find some peace and direction.  It can take you places you never imagined, and show you how to live life to the fullest where you are at.  Last year my goal was to read more than the previous year's 74 books. Which is at least the number I remembered to blog! I didn't quite make it, coming in at 63 books. This year, I don't have a total in mind yet. I always like to aim for more than the year before, but being realistic I don't want to go from plugging into devices to being so lost in a book that I can't take part in the lives of my family and friends.  I have several books I've found on my shelf while straightening up a shelf in my bedroom, so I would like to get through those this year for sure, but what else I read has yet to be determined!  I did find an interesting Reading Challenge that I have decided to try though.  Feel free to join me as I read in 2015. Who knows, it just might change your life!

My First book of the new year is:

In a generation of kids being forced to grow up too soon, I want to protect my daughter from growing up too fast. 

I plan on reviewing the books I read as I go, so stop back for more info on what I've read, and what I will be reading.  Feel free to let me know what you are reading too?  We could discover books we never dreamed of finding!

Happy Reading, and Happy New Year!

2014 Books 51-63

Finished off the year with quite a bit of reading, but no time to blog the books I'd read. Before I start my 2015 book reviews, and reading challenge I figured I should at least get this past year's books posted.

Book 51
Running on Empty is a book about two people torn apart by circumstances.  Ones that they could not speak of for over 8 years, but when her sick mother brings her back to the small town she left, she is finally forced to deal with the past.  Will dealing with it, restore it?  Only time will tell.

Could not put this book down, stayed up all night reading it! I'd give the book 5 stars.

Book 52
The Wedding List
Two different people from two different walks of life.  Yet, connected from the past and now forced to connect again in the present.  Will they figure out a way to make it work this time, despite what they feel society is telling them about being together? 
Fun read, not my favorite book of the year, but for a free book was good. I'd give this book 3 stars.

Book 53
Chop, Chop
One girl can change your life. Especially if it's one who is sold out on helping others. Yet, what do you do when you have a new best friend who likes her too?  This book had great underlying meaning, but a really sad twist.  There is a sequel to it, but I'm afraid it would be sad too. I'd give the book 3 stars.

Book 54
The Proposal
His life has been filled with trying to care for his son and forget the past. He has no desire to be in love ever again.  Her life has been filled with tragedy and she doesn't think she could ever love again. Both need to move on, so what if they fake being married so that he can have a Mom for his son, and she can get away from the past?  Strange plan, but even stranger is whether or not it will work out.
I'd give the book 3 stars.

Book 55
Simple book, with easy tips for the beginning organizer.
I'd give the book 5 stars, for someone new to the topic. I didn't get much out of it personally, but then I'm addicted to organization books!

Book 56
Great tips, and moves to get you started into building muscle and losing more weight!
I'd give the book 5 stars.

Book 57
Another good organizing book for the beginner with some good tips.
5 stars

Book 58
I really like Gary Chapman's ideas and suggestions. Having an amazing marriage as it is, and I'm not just saying that because someone might read this post, the book was not helpful to me. If you are struggling in any area, or wanting to make things better in the future, this book is a good read though. 
5 stars

Book 59
Funny, and interesting. Good plot, great characters.  It's one of those books where saying even a little might give to much away. Want a fun, quick and inspirational book. This one is for you.
5 stars.

Book 60
Amish life is tough, but in this book the decision has to be made as to which life is tougher.  Sometimes it seems the English have it so easy, but do they?  A fun look into the life of one who needs to decide before it's to late.
4 stars.

Book 61
Yes, addicted to organization books and challenges.  This book is once again a great tip book, more geared towards the beginner!
5 stars

Book 62
She left once and didn't plan on coming back, but when the library she loves, left to her by the woman she adored is about to be closed she finds fighting for it is the only thing she can do.  Will the man she used to love stand by her and help her to see she needs to stay in Liberty, or will he figure the past is in the past?
5 stars

Book 63
One of those books that could change your life.  Are you willing to Love, Skip and Jump into your faith and do what you are being called to do?  Great book about choosing to see God's plan for your life!  Worth the time it took to read it.
5 stars!