Monday, September 19, 2011

Homemakers Challenge Day 13 Fighting Fatigue...well HELLO?!?!? (31 Days to Clean)

Seriously, Day 13 Fighting Fatigue? It is a grey and gloomy day here in Northeast Ohio where we have entered the gloomy zone. That would be the zone between the end of September and beginning of May when we often go stretches without seeing the sun. Sometimes this really, ok a LOT of times this really, affects me, especially at the beginning of the season of gloom. I need natural light and therefore I don't adjust well for awhile to not having it. So, add that into the fact that this weekend I went to bed at 12:30 or after every night, and due to other obligations played the part of single parent all weekend, so today I'm feeling extremely fatigued. God in His great wisdom did not have a sub job come my way this morning so I was able to meet my best friend for a mocha, conversation and prayer. As I was waiting for her to arrive I thought I'd read today's Homemakers Challenge and BAM the topic as you can tell smacked me in the face.

YES I wanted to yell, simply by reading the title alone I am fighting fatigue. YES I know I am not alone, but why are so many of us continually fighting it. The answer? We don't ask God for help. We seek Him in the big things, health issues, financial struggles but we think we can handle the daily stuff. The laundry that is piled up again, 2 loads to fold myself right now, the dishes that seem to never get done the things that weigh us down.

He tells us "come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I WILL give you rest" Matthew 11:28-30 I personally don't see anywhere in the scriptures where it says we can't be heaven laden with taking simply by taking care of the things in life. In fact I know it says to consider it pure joy when we face trials of any kind, not IF we face trials, which means WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TRIALS! The problem is, we, in our human nature, put everything on a scale. Person A is dealing with health issues, that's not as bad as me dealing with being over committed so I should just suck it up and deal with it. NO, I should go to God and ask for His guidance to deal with my issues too. Yes, for us over committed types we are going to have to learn from Him that we can say No (practice it now...NNNNOOOO) We are going to need to seek Him to prioritize our days and to truly become the givers of life to our homes that he wants us to be.

We need to lay our lives at His feet, daily, hourly, moment to moment. We are told to pray without ceasing, which I believe means to be in continual communication with God. Thanking Him for the time with my girlfriend, and the mocha (which he allowed someone to create, that helps with the tired feeling too!), but also thanking Him that when there when there is the time in the day to spend with her and have a mocha and when there is NO time in the day period, He is still there.

In 31 Days to clean she gives some helpful hints for fighting fatigue, have a snack, get moving, get the rest you need but not too much, and indulge in caffeine! (love that one) I would add drink water. Read at the dentist once that as Americans we are often dehydrated which can lead to feeling tired.

Mary Challenge: try some of the suggestions for a week. ( I can live with that) and see how you feel.

Martha Challenge: steam clean the carpets in your Living Room. Adding that one to the sometime this fall list : )

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Homemakers Challenge Day 8-12 (31 Days to Clean)

Wow! I know I seem like I'm playing catch up. Truth is I've been reading and following the steps in 31 Days to Clean but have found NO time to blog, as I've also been back to work this week! Yea! So one giant blog is going to have to do, and I'm going to have to train myself to be ok with that as being a type A person, I feel like I've let myself down for not blogging each day.

The first day this week was Day 8 Overcoming the Curse. How do we do that. I think the key is to figure out why we are doing something. I know I keep going back to those silly lunches I hate to pack, but why am I packing them? When I switch my focus to the kids, and my love for them I suddenly think about the importance of them and not the task at hand. We can use this time of challenge in repeating tasks to seek God and realize what He has for us each day. In James we are told to consider it pure joy when we face trials of any kind. So from now on I'm going to try and look for the joy in the laundry, dishes and the silly lunches. It may be the joy of being able to provide clothes for the family and food to eat, or it may go deeper. I'm sure it will depend on the day and the way the rest of the week is going, but that is the plan.

Mary Challenge: Think back to a time when God refined your character through difficult circumstances. One time comes to mind instantly and I am choosing not to write it down for privacy reasons. But God really taught me to be consistent in who I am for Him. When I do that others will see my true character.

Martha Challenge: clean out and organize the kitchen drawers. Yea for me, did that when I did the cupboards!

Day 9 Confronting Laziness

Too tired, too busy, too crazy I think should have been added to that too. It is really hard to be motivated to get anything done when we are too busy to get the whole job done. There are just not enough hours in some days. Just the same God wanted this many hours so there must be enough to get done what should be done today. The problem is our lack of purpose, self control and motivation. Where am I in the struggle of these problems. Usually I have a purpose, but sometimes if I haven't looked at my list in a while, or gone through and made a new list for those extra things I need to do, I can easily do a bit of this and a bit of that and never really get anything completely accomplished. For me it's about making the list and then training myself to be ok with only getting a few things done. Some tasks take longer then others, and if they got accomplished it's one less thing to do tomorrow, and one less thing is ONE LESS THING.

Self control is a hard one. We have so much technology pulling on us every day. I'll just check FB, twitter and my email, but then I've lost a few hours of time! So, make a plan and try to stick to it. Only check what you can in 5 minutes every hour, or after a task is completed allow yourself some time. Guess what, the world will not self destruct if you didn't check FB or Twitter today!

Managing our time is a self control issue, but so is getting to a point in your day where you decide I'm not getting anything done so I might as well get nothing else done. We need to be persistent in seeking our goal. Some days we might trudge along, but overall we need to keep moving forward. Satan likes to tell us we'll never get anything accomplished, and on days like that we need to look back and take 5 minutes to write down everything we have done in that day. Very rarely do we get truly nothing done.

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly as though you were working for your real master and not merely for humans. Amen! Do it for a reason, and do the job well the first time. Even if it means getting a little less done, do it right. BUT don't go to the extreme and demand absolute perfection. Doing the best you can is all that should be asked of you.

Mary Challenge: Anytime you say "I will do it later" stop and pray to God for diligence then go to work. Love it, now need to do it!

Martha Challenge: Sweep, vacuum and mop kitchen floors and add some flowers to brighten the day. Oops, it's day 12+ weekend and I need to still do this!

Day 10 Feeling Overwhelmed (oh how we can relate to this one!)
Sometimes it seems like we just finished something an have to start again. I agree with Sarah Mae in 31 Days to Clean, when the house is a mess start in one area and work until that area is done before you move on. Then you can feel a sense of accomplishment. This works with purging too. Do one room at a time, and then at the end of every day just walk through the completed rooms and quickly pick anything up that is in the wrong place. Lots less to do when you've gone through a room thoroughly to begin with.
One of my favorite books of all times that I still refer back to often is The 15 Minute Organizer by Emilee Barnes. Great tip, and usually we can find 15 minutes to do something.

Mary Challenge: Light a candle and consider your home and what you want it to be, and then talk to God about where you are and what you need help with.

Martha Challenge: Living Room - clean window treatments and wash the inside of the windows. Still need to do this too : ) but it is now on the list!

Day 11 Limitations (Life is Hard)
I love the Mother in law game idea! 15 minutes before someone is due to come over what would you clean! Go...for me it would be straighten every room and wipe up the baths. Some things would just need to not be done.
I also really agree with Sarah Mae, sometimes life is hard. Days don't always go as planned. As a very type A organized person I've had to learn to go with the flow. Decide what has to get done no matter what and what can wait. Usually, if you really look at the list, it all could wait if it had to with no guilt. Letting go and letting God's grace be enough for today is not easy, but it is sometimes the best place to be at.

Mary Challenge: His grace is sufficient! AMEN!

Martha Challenge: wash the walls and ceilings...ummm have you seen my walls and ceilings in my living room? I'll have to think on that one, or find a really big ladder!

Day 12: The think We all Have in Common-Imperfection
Love this quote "when you aim for perfection you discover it's a moving target" George Fisher.
Should we try, absolutely, but if we miss we need to just keep going.
Like this whole challenge thing. I wish I could say everything was done on the right day and all jobs were done because that would make me feel so good, but...truth is I worked this week on top of dealing with hockey stuff, gymnastics stuff, pta stuff and family stuff so... this did not get done and you know what. That is OK. I'll do the best I can and keep on moving on.

Mary Challenge: Think on areas in your life where you are striving to be perfect, then give theses areas to God.

Martha Challenge: Living room- clean and organize shelves and electronics. Shine wood furniture. Also on the list!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Homemakers Challenge Day 7 (31 Days to Clean)

The Curse! Ah ha! It all makes sense now, why the laundry never really gets done, the dishes continue to need to be washed as well and the kids still think that any table surface is where they should leave their stuff. Because of the fall we have been cursed with toiling the ground (or our area of work). OH! So the house, my main area of work, will continue to cause me to toil, and thorns (laundry) and thistles (dishes, dust, get the picture) will continue to grow. And who says the Bible isn't relevant to our lives today?! Boy are they wrong! It is so true, the things we have to take care of are never truly taken care of the list is never truly done, and yet we're are continually surprised by this. If only we would stop, breath and trust in God for His help and guidance to endure the circumstances we are in and help us to find JOY in those circumstances. So often we think of trusting Him only for the big things, health issues, life changes, but HE doesn't see our problems as little or big, He doesn't see our sins on a scale either. Sin is sin, problems are problems. Run to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I WILL give you rest. Are we weary and heavy laden with laundry? dishes? keeping the house running? Life in general? Yes. Part of that is our fault for taking on to much or not delegating, but still He wants in.
Truth be told I decided to try the Homemakers Challenge/31 Days to Clean, not because I thought it would draw me closer to God. I was drawn in to try it because I am an organizational nut always looking for ways to make my crazy life easier. DUH, come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden! Yeah, I know I can think recite it but doesn't mean I always do it. I'm on day 7 now, yes things are cleaner, I discovered the awesomeness of baking soda, but more importantly, and I praying this continues into the future, I've drawn near to God and He, as promised, is drawing nearer to me. There has been more peace in our home in the last 7 days, because the "I have to get it all done..." feeling is slowly leaving.

So, how do we live in with the Curse. "work is not the Curse; unproductive work is the Curse" (31 Days to Clean). We have to learn to be more productive. I could read every word of every organizational, cleaning book out there and apply it all to my life and boom I'd be fixed. NO! That's the trap, we need to go to Him, ask Him to help guides us and show us what works for us. These books are filled with GREAT ideas, and plans and thoughts. Many God inspired, but not everything works for every person. Just like not every parenting book will work for you. One of my favorite openings for a book is from Creative Correction by Lisa Whelchel, it goes something like this "if you bought this book thinking it would fix all your problems return it now". Basically, read it, glean some new ideas, find the ones that work and get rid of the ones that don't. Love it. So, I'm not making myself crazy doing everything that is suggested but I'm trying to see what will work for me. Trying to be more productive.

So far what's working, list of 6 or sometimes 10, doing one load of laundry a day, keeping a master list of jobs that should typically be done each day, keeping a list for jobs in the volunteer areas of my life and tackling 1 item from that group of lists a day, keeping a to do file on my desk and reviewing it daily. Sounds overwhelming, but it is working for me and that is helping our family.

Today's challenge from the Homemakers Challenge, Organizing one spot maybe a month that would help make your life and family run more smoothly...being the organization junkie that I am I can check that off my list as I'm working a little each day on reviewing my house and seeing what needs to be handled to make it run more smoothly.

31 Days to Clean

Mary Challenge: Romans 8:20-21 The hope from the Curse is eventually we will be released into Glorious Times ahead! AMEN!

Martha Challenge: Clean out the pantry! YEAH, it's already done! God is so good.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Homemakers Challenge Day 6 (31 Days to Clean)

Six simple steps that's all you need six simple steps then you'll succeed! Sorry but the Agent Oso song 3 Simple Steps is running through my head this morning as I read today's message. You Tube it, I guarantee you'll start singing it too. Regardless, today's message on the Six List is so true. I love lists, can't really live without them. In fact when I'm on vacation and haven't made a list in awhile I get kind of crazy. I to, like the example in the challenge today put things for me on my my list otherwise, honestly it would never get done. I used to make huge lists, and go through the day like a crazy person trying to get it all done and then the guilt when I didn't get it done was insane. Then I read somewhere that you really can't be expected to accomplish more then 10 things a day. Obviously, the size of those items can make the list of things to be accomplished go up and down, and some days it's more then 10 and others it's way less. Generally, though 10 is a good rule, which makes 6 and even better rule!
We put so much pressure on ourselves to get things done. While some pressure is good too much makes us crazy people. I started using It's a list system that I can use on my phone and also quickly type up from a computer and then access it on my phone. I have lists for all the things I'm involved in...PTA, Hockey Board, Creative Memories, Home Life etc. I also keep a list for each day of the week and the chores that should be accomplished that day. It sounds confusing but it really isn't. At the end of the day I add no more then 10 (now it will be 6) things to the list for tomorrow. The next morning I have my new "today" list ready to go. I also give myself permission to move something from today to tomorrow if it isn't going to get done. There is such freedom in the list.
I don't know that I will write it on the Six List paper, but I certainly will keep doing what I'm doing, because it makes me less crazy and the important things get done each day. Ok, most days.

Off to do today's Martha Challenge and clean out the kitchen cabinets. Also a good time to listen to my chronological bible on YouVersion Bible App. Multitasking is awesome!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Homemakers Challenge Day 5 (31 Days to Clean)

Today's topic Priorities!
That's one of the things in life that can so easily get out of whack. I try to have at least a mental list of my priorities, God, Husband, Children, Friends/Family, Work, ...myself. Yet so often one priority tries to take over the top three and then you wind up stressed and grumpy. The question is why does that happen. I think for me the answer is I have a hard time saying no to other things, as I don't want to let anyone down. The truth is though when we say yes to things sometimes it means others aren't getting the opportunity to say yes and we are letting family down by being over committed. Last night was a good example. I was asked to go to a PTA district meeting as I'm on the PTA board at our school. We had nothing on the calendar so I said yes, don't want the other PTA moms to think I'm not doing my share, however Katie really needs one on one time. She thrives on quality time and feels unloved, and not cared for when she doesn't get it. Tonight I have to be gone from 5:15 to bedtime, tomorrow night I have an obligation as well and Friday she and I are going somewhere with a friend and her daughter, but that won't be alone time. Solution, I emailed and cancelled out of the PTA meeting. While PTA is a good thing, the best thing for my daughter was for me to be home, to bake cookies with her, play a game, supervise homework and have time to read. By the time she went to bed she was in her snuggley, you're the best mom, mood. Which if I had gone to the PTA meeting she wouldn't have been in, and I would have missed out on a great opportunity to speak words of encouragement to her, and have quality time with her. So glad I stopped and figured out what mattered.
It's a work in progress though, so what is the next step? Each day finding time to spend with Jesus first will help focus and get me on the right track. Also, getting into a routine so that I can get as much done on days I don't get called into work as possible is essential for our families well being. I'm not perfect, but I'm going to run the race God has called for me to run, even if it is at a turtles pace.

Martha's challenge for the day: cleaning the kitchen window treatments and windows. After yesterdays miracle work on the stove, today will seem like a piece of cake.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Homemakers Challenge Day 3 and 4

So it was a holiday weekend. Does anyone really know why we celebrate Labor Day? I honestly don't. I'm sure there is a good reason, besides the end of the summer cookouts, but just the same I don't know what it is. Regardless, we spent the weekend both relaxing and then laboring to get the house put back together after having it waterproofed. I was reminded again and again this weekend how amazing it is to have a husband who is willing to see what needs done and then help do it. That as crazy as it sounds, used to really bother me. It used to make me feel like I wasn't getting done what I should and so he felt he needed to help. When really what he's been saying is "I love you, so let me share the load!" I love that man!!!

Anyway, with the holiday on a Monday I didn't start Day 3 until today. Here is what I learned. I need to choose Joy. I again think I know this in my relationships, and in my life but somehow life and taking care of the home seem like two entirely separate things. The challenge today included verses from John 15:11 telling us how God wants our joy to be complete. Not our joy to be when we are away from the laundry and the dishes and the PACKING lunches (it's getting better!), but to be complete. All the time. No life is not going to suddenly be perfect, or suddenly always be happy. Just the same we can have joy in knowing that He is with us always.
"The fruit of joy is cultivated only to the degree that I am connected to Jesus"
Am I connecting to Him? Am I taking the time I need to focus on God, to pray for my family, my day, to let Him in first before the "DAY" takes over. God wants us to abide in Him because He knows only when we abide in Him will we be able to see the joy and peace through our circumstances. Some of us have harder circumstances then others, but God sees our burdens as burdens whether they are the laundry or something way more serious and He wants us to go to Him with them. It's a choice, we need to Choose Joy, and Choose to be with Him daily.

Day 3 Thoughts from 31 Days to Clean
Clutter causes stress...I knew it, which is why I go nuts when the house is a mess.
Our homes also reflect our mental/emotional/spiritual health. How true this is, when I've taken time to be with God, and stay in tune with Him things get done. Not perfectly, but I make progress and I feel more at peace so I'm nicer to be around. Funny how it all ties back to Him. You'd think we'd get it, hopefully I can learn quicker than the Israelites did! Don't want to wander around this desert for 40 years!

Day 4
Today's questions are How do I invite people to put their feet up and how do my family to enjoy our home?
Hmm, I hope I do these things by allowing our door to be open to the kids friends pretty much anytime and our friends as well. It is usually clean around here in a visual sense even if it's not completely dust free. By keeping things picked up I feel more able to say come on over. I know people come to see us and not the home, but it helps me to feel able to let people in when things are picked up. I guess also trying to have spaces for everyone to relax both around the house and in their own rooms helps as well.

Making a house a home takes more than furniture polish and windex. It takes love, unconditionally, and freedom to make mistakes. Freedom to be who we are and who we are trying to become. Only through God's grace can we really find that kind of love.

Friday, September 2, 2011

31 Days to Clean- day one...and two

Here I am again trying to blog consistently. We'll see how that goes. More importantly is I'm trying to really seek out what God has to say about being a wife, mother and homemaker. I am crazy about organizational tips and books. I enjoy finding ways to make life run more smoothly. Yet I never really thought about why I wanted to do that.
What was my motivation, to have the appearance of a clean house, to keep order, to make people conform. No, as I thought about it the realization hit that it is to bring order and peace. When things are where they need to be there is no longer the stress of trying to find them, there is no longer the need to try and figure out what we will have for dinner or if the right supplies are in the house. There is also less of a financial burden as things aren't bought until they are truly needed. So my over all motivation is to keep things running smoothly. I'm also motivated not to make everyone crazy while I do that.
Day One HW-

My 'why' list:
peaceful feeling, health, less chaos, shows I care about my family, desire to be a Proverbs 31 women able to take care of many things.

My Motivation:
Biblically it seems that we are called to be responsibly for the home. To create an environment of safety, peace and love. We are also called to work cheerfully as unto the Lord. (dishes and packing lunches do not make me very cheerful!)

My Mission Statement:
My mission is to run my household as though working for God. It is to do the best I can at any task, enlisting my family members to come along side and work with me. It is to establish a peaceful, healthy environment where everyone feels welcome. It is to establish routines that will allow this to happen more easily so that we can spend quality time together.

Day 2 Created to give life. Wow! I never really thought about the fact that the way I run my house also fuels life. I know being peaceful is important, but do my kids and husband see me working cheerfully even if it is doing something like packing lunches (which I can't stand). Or do they see my working cheerfully only at tasks I enjoy like reorganizing something? How can I teach my son and daughter to work cheerfully at things if I grumble and complain. I'm not saying I'm going to start acting like the 7 Dwarfs and happily go about everything, but with a different attitude and my mind set on serving my family by taking care of them the grumbling should become less.

Questions for the day:
Am I cultivating the seeds of life for my husband and children, or am I bringing death? Am I actively seeking to grow in the fruit of the Spirit, or am I gratifying the desires of the flesh?

Profound that when it comes to running a house these questions do fall into play. I think so often I think these things are in my attitude towards my family members. Am I building up, am I supporting them. Yet they are also in the way I clean, and bring life to the home by taking care of it. Am I practicing peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, love, joy and self control today as I care for my family? The fruits of the spirit are not just about how we treat others, needs to be about how I treat my home as well, and how I am in my life 100% of the time, not just in one little compartment. I AM NOT PERFECT! Yet, my goal should be to improve.