The Curse! Ah ha! It all makes sense now, why the laundry never really gets done, the dishes continue to need to be washed as well and the kids still think that any table surface is where they should leave their stuff. Because of the fall we have been cursed with toiling the ground (or our area of work). OH! So the house, my main area of work, will continue to cause me to toil, and thorns (laundry) and thistles (dishes, dust, get the picture) will continue to grow. And who says the Bible isn't relevant to our lives today?! Boy are they wrong! It is so true, the things we have to take care of are never truly taken care of the list is never truly done, and yet we're are continually surprised by this. If only we would stop, breath and trust in God for His help and guidance to endure the circumstances we are in and help us to find JOY in those circumstances. So often we think of trusting Him only for the big things, health issues, life changes, but HE doesn't see our problems as little or big, He doesn't see our sins on a scale either. Sin is sin, problems are problems. Run to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I WILL give you rest. Are we weary and heavy laden with laundry? dishes? keeping the house running? Life in general? Yes. Part of that is our fault for taking on to much or not delegating, but still He wants in.
Truth be told I decided to try the Homemakers Challenge/31 Days to Clean, not because I thought it would draw me closer to God. I was drawn in to try it because I am an organizational nut always looking for ways to make my crazy life easier. DUH, come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden! Yeah, I know I can think recite it but doesn't mean I always do it. I'm on day 7 now, yes things are cleaner, I discovered the awesomeness of baking soda, but more importantly, and I praying this continues into the future, I've drawn near to God and He, as promised, is drawing nearer to me. There has been more peace in our home in the last 7 days, because the "I have to get it all done..." feeling is slowly leaving.
So, how do we live in with the Curse. "work is not the Curse; unproductive work is the Curse" (31 Days to Clean). We have to learn to be more productive. I could read every word of every organizational, cleaning book out there and apply it all to my life and boom I'd be fixed. NO! That's the trap, we need to go to Him, ask Him to help guides us and show us what works for us. These books are filled with GREAT ideas, and plans and thoughts. Many God inspired, but not everything works for every person. Just like not every parenting book will work for you. One of my favorite openings for a book is from Creative Correction by Lisa Whelchel, it goes something like this "if you bought this book thinking it would fix all your problems return it now". Basically, read it, glean some new ideas, find the ones that work and get rid of the ones that don't. Love it. So, I'm not making myself crazy doing everything that is suggested but I'm trying to see what will work for me. Trying to be more productive.
So far what's working, list of 6 or sometimes 10, doing one load of laundry a day, keeping a master list of jobs that should typically be done each day, keeping a list for jobs in the volunteer areas of my life and tackling 1 item from that group of lists a day, keeping a to do file on my desk and reviewing it daily. Sounds overwhelming, but it is working for me and that is helping our family.
Today's challenge from the Homemakers Challenge, Organizing one spot maybe a month that would help make your life and family run more smoothly...being the organization junkie that I am I can check that off my list as I'm working a little each day on reviewing my house and seeing what needs to be handled to make it run more smoothly.
31 Days to Clean
Mary Challenge: Romans 8:20-21 The hope from the Curse is eventually we will be released into Glorious Times ahead! AMEN!
Martha Challenge: Clean out the pantry! YEAH, it's already done! God is so good.
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