Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Homemakers Challenge Day 3 and 4

So it was a holiday weekend. Does anyone really know why we celebrate Labor Day? I honestly don't. I'm sure there is a good reason, besides the end of the summer cookouts, but just the same I don't know what it is. Regardless, we spent the weekend both relaxing and then laboring to get the house put back together after having it waterproofed. I was reminded again and again this weekend how amazing it is to have a husband who is willing to see what needs done and then help do it. That as crazy as it sounds, used to really bother me. It used to make me feel like I wasn't getting done what I should and so he felt he needed to help. When really what he's been saying is "I love you, so let me share the load!" I love that man!!!

Anyway, with the holiday on a Monday I didn't start Day 3 until today. Here is what I learned. I need to choose Joy. I again think I know this in my relationships, and in my life but somehow life and taking care of the home seem like two entirely separate things. The challenge today included verses from John 15:11 telling us how God wants our joy to be complete. Not our joy to be when we are away from the laundry and the dishes and the PACKING lunches (it's getting better!), but to be complete. All the time. No life is not going to suddenly be perfect, or suddenly always be happy. Just the same we can have joy in knowing that He is with us always.
"The fruit of joy is cultivated only to the degree that I am connected to Jesus"
Am I connecting to Him? Am I taking the time I need to focus on God, to pray for my family, my day, to let Him in first before the "DAY" takes over. God wants us to abide in Him because He knows only when we abide in Him will we be able to see the joy and peace through our circumstances. Some of us have harder circumstances then others, but God sees our burdens as burdens whether they are the laundry or something way more serious and He wants us to go to Him with them. It's a choice, we need to Choose Joy, and Choose to be with Him daily.

Day 3 Thoughts from 31 Days to Clean
Clutter causes stress...I knew it, which is why I go nuts when the house is a mess.
Our homes also reflect our mental/emotional/spiritual health. How true this is, when I've taken time to be with God, and stay in tune with Him things get done. Not perfectly, but I make progress and I feel more at peace so I'm nicer to be around. Funny how it all ties back to Him. You'd think we'd get it, hopefully I can learn quicker than the Israelites did! Don't want to wander around this desert for 40 years!

Day 4
Today's questions are How do I invite people to put their feet up and how do my family to enjoy our home?
Hmm, I hope I do these things by allowing our door to be open to the kids friends pretty much anytime and our friends as well. It is usually clean around here in a visual sense even if it's not completely dust free. By keeping things picked up I feel more able to say come on over. I know people come to see us and not the home, but it helps me to feel able to let people in when things are picked up. I guess also trying to have spaces for everyone to relax both around the house and in their own rooms helps as well.

Making a house a home takes more than furniture polish and windex. It takes love, unconditionally, and freedom to make mistakes. Freedom to be who we are and who we are trying to become. Only through God's grace can we really find that kind of love.

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