Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Real Workout

Ugh! My arms are now killing me. I just spent the last 9 minutes in boxing drills on the Wii Fit program. Of course I was trying to prove to my 8 year old that I can do better than him. (which I did!). The Wii fit is not for the light hearted exercise fan. There are some fairly good workouts.
I realize that true exercise guru's might feel otherwise, but still the yoga is not always easy to hold the positions, and the strength training I haven't even attempted yet. It addition now that I've done the step program and unlocked the next 2 levels I have the goal of doing even better on it. I've also unlocked the advanced boxing as of today! It's a lot of fun, and does get the heart rate up and the muscles burning.
Now Zach is on the program trying to box his way past my record. Hope he gets it, it will give me something else to aim for!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Did It!

Wow! It is a great feeling to get something accomplished. Today after 4 months of making calls I have completely called through my entire customer data base. Now it would be great to say that it took me that long because I have so many customers, but truth is...it simply took me that long to find the time to make calls and log them in!
Have I increased my business any by making the calls? Well, at least all of my customers have heard my name, website and phone number one more time. I did get a few that want more information and a few that want me to add them to my email list. So, who knows where that will lead. Regardless, I'm no longer fearing the phone. I have something to offer with Creative Memories that can change lives. Whether or not they are interested is completely up to them!

Gosh, that feels good.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Raising the Flag

It's that time a year! Pre-season starts this evening. We're ready for a great season of hockey. Hopefully our cable company can decide if they will have NHL Center Ice by the time the regular season starts. (Half the time they act like they don't even know what NHL stands for!) We've met some great new Wings Fans so we're all set to go. All that's left is to raise the flag.

Now it's just a matter of waiting until we can raise the cup!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A System is Essential

There are so many things to do each day. Laundry, dishes, homework and the list goes on and on. The biggest thing I have learned is that it is vital to have a system. I have found that having a few main chores that you get done everyday allows me to focus on what needs to be done, and find time for other things as well. Not only that but it keeps me from going crazy trying to get it all done in one day.
My system is simple really. I keep a notebook of things that I wish would get done around the house. Projects that range from repaint bathroom to weed the backyard. Each day I try to accomplish at least one job from this notebook. Sometimes I get more done sometimes less, but crossing off anything always feels good. Not only that but by keeping a notebook on a day that I might have planned on outdoor job and it's raining I can quickly find something else to do inside. I even list things like finish a month in my photo album. Fun jobs should count too!

I also have a list of chores hanging on my fridge. This chore list allows me to keep track of what
the kids are suppose to be helping with at a glance. They have their own separate chore lists on the doors of their rooms as well. I keep in mind which days are busiest at our home and schedule less chores on those days. Knowing what the kids are suppose to do has made it easier for me not to just do it for them. Included on this list are my chores, laundry, change towels, clean bathrooms, grocery shop etc. That way I know what I am trying to accomplish around the house on a daily basis.

There are still many days that it doesn't all get done. Life happens, kids get sick, extra hockey and cheer leading practices end up on the calendar and things happen. Staying organized is the one way I have found to fight the battle. It's my system and honestly if I didn't have a system and a list nothing would probably get done.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Reading Frenzy

I posted recently how I am currently addicted to Karen Kingsbury books. http://karenkingsbury.com/ I've now read 26 of them. I'm hoping to read through everything she has written. Her stories just take you in and make you want to find out what is going to happen next to the characters.
In the 2 weeks I've read 5 books! (Once I start reading it's amazing how I can find a minute here and there to get a page or two in) This time I read through her Forever Faithful Series and the Women of Faith Series. Both were about families that learned by trusting God more amazing things could happen. The first book was Waiting for Morning. It is the story of a Mom's struggle to live again after her husband and oldest daughter are killed in a car accident. It takes you through her emotions and learning to forgive. The second book introduced a new set of characters and their journey of finding each other again after a moment of weakness that changed their lives. The final book of the series brings the main characters together as they continue their journey of faith and grow their families. They were very hard to put down. In fact, I'd love to see the characters in a story based on what happened 5 more years into their journey of life.

The Women of Faith series was about a couple dealing with struggles in their marriage and how they could overcome what was happening. It offered hope in the midst of trials and demonstrated a way to trust God for the outcome and to take Him at His word. It found me thinking about my marriage more and like the characters realizing again how true it is that God needs to be the center of that relationship.

The books are so wonderful, if you need a good book just check her stories out. If you are looking at the latest book launching tomorrow called Sunset I do suggest starting with the Redemption Series first. It is the first story of the Baxters. You'll want to read the Redemption Series, then the Firstborn Series and finally the Sunrise Series. Don't worry it really won't take long, you might want to take a few naps before you get started as you might end up staying up just to finish one more page!

Time To Lose Your Voice

It's that time of year again! The time of year for losing your voice. Spending countless minutes on the edge of your seat, hoping and praying that the puck will find it's way wide of the net when it's in your defensive zone and then of course to the back of the net in your offensive zone. Moments of sheer panic as a breakaway takes place and your defense men are skating like maniacs trying to get back in time to stop it. Knowing your goalie can handle it, but hoping he doesn't have to. Watching kids get taken down, mostly accidentally, but still wishing for a call to go in your favor.
Yes...it's hockey season. And to answer the question I have now been asked about a million times since Sarah Palin made the comment, YES hockey moms are somewhat like pit bulls! We can look cute and cuddly, but watch out if you make a call we don't like, or score too many goals against us! I really think someone in that campaign needs to create a sign that says "hockey moms unite!" I'd put one up!

Now that I spent an afternoon yelling at the rink, encouraging things like "You can do it!" "Stick with it" "Great Job!" "Come on boys". Ok, a few things like "come on ref make the calls fair", and "how about a call on that". I suppose I should do a game recap.

It was a tight game. The boys played well, and worked hard. Our coaches did a great job. The kids are still working out the kinks and it was only the first game of the season. One player was on fire and did get 2 of the 3 goals simply by out skating and out playing their team. Then there was the backhanded wonder. The kid who with 2 kids draped all over him, took the puck down ice and then shot it back handed into the upper corner of the net. The kids who amazingly can make pretty good shots with his back hand with out having to switch to his forehand. He scored the 3rd goal making it an even game. (Way to go Zach, that's my boy!)
They did come back and win, but regardless it was an awesome thing to be back in the action again. Hope someone buys extra water bottles before the next game!

To quote my daughter at the game "come on crowd, shout it loud, let's go MUSTANGS!"

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Feeling Beaten and Fried?

As Moms sometimes we feel beaten and fried. Which is why Momelettes.com was created. This is a great site for finding useful tips for things Moms need to know. I had the privileged yesterday to have an article about dealing with your children's clothes published on the site. Please take some time to check it out and don't forget to stop back often for new tips and information.
This sites founder Jess Stratton is a friend of Phil's from the Lotus Notes Developers Group. (You can read more about her on the site).

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What a Beautiful Day!

It is a beautiful day here in Northeast Ohio. The sun is finally shining after days of being overcast, rainy or windy.

To quote Forrest Gump.."that's all I have to say about that"

Monday, September 15, 2008


Everything costs money. I'm beginning to think life on the Picard version of the Star Ship Enterprise would be nice. "In the future we have no need for money"...or something like that. I'm trying to get through paperwork today some of which is finalizing the flower sale for Daisy Scouts, putting together the fundraiser stuff for 2 kids for our elementary school and of course desperately trying to find 5 more people who would love to go to a Wing Ding this weekend for hockey. UGH! I know we all have to do our share, but really if the each parent could just give an extra $50 to the school and we did an extra $25 to scouts and of course an extra $100 to hockey we could save ourselves a lot of headaches. True we'd be out another $175, but we would not have the hassle of asking our friends and family again to support one more thing, and oh yeah supporting our friends and families one more thing on top of it.

So...anyone want to go to a Wing Ding on Saturday?! Tickets are only $20 a person and it is all the wings, pizza, beer, and pop you can possibly take in in 3 hours!!!!!!

Can't blame me for asking, or if you'd rather I have some candles, cheesecake, cookie dough and flowers to sell!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Completed Projects

My pile of to do may be growing on one side of my desk, but the project pile on the other is getting done! I am so excited about several different projects that I've wanted to do for a long time are now how long I've wanted to create a birthday party album for each of my kids. With Creative Memories Quick Kits in Celebration and I Do, and only 2 hours I have pages done for 8 different years for Zach and 6 different years for Katie. Not only that but room for the next few birthdays up to age 12, all I have to do is add the photos! My Halloween costume album is the same, completed up to this year...which of course hasn't happened yet (add to to do list..find Princess Leia and Luke costumes soon!). I've also hoped to create an album with the portraits of the kids that so often just sit behind the one currently showing in the frame. I recently received a FREE school embossed album from Creative Memories (they love spoiling their consultants) and also FREE school paper. So in just 20 minutes today I laid out an entire album of paper, created a title page and have Zach's kindergarten and first grade picture in the album. As soon as we get the new school pictures this year I can quickly ad Katelyn's Kindergarten and Zach's second grade photos!
WOW! Maybe this year will be the one where the album projects get caught up. With the quick tools and supplies I have with my company I think it is possible.
I love what I do for a job, and now it's helping me continue to celebrate what I do as a mom too!

A Day of Remembrance

Yesterday was a day to think about our country. To think about our families and to hold them a little closer. Last night at PTA our Assistant Principal made the comment that the kids in our elementary schools don't remember the events of September 11th. They were too young, for them it is simply history.
How true that is, as I look at my own children. Zach was 19 months old. I clearly remember going into the bank that morning as I was off to start my errands for the day. Setting him up on the counter to do my banking and the teller surprised at my good mood. "Don't you know what just happened?" she asked. Having a little one I hadn't had the news on, or even the radio on the way to the bank. I was telling him about our day and what we were going. Quickly that changed. I spent the morning trying to catch bits and pieces of information, but not wanting to turn the tv on so that he wouldn't be exposed to the pictures. The day before I had found out I was expecting our second child. The world had dropped out and I remember wondering why we were bringing a child into a world that was in trouble.
Yesterday, dressed in red, white and blue we walked to the bus stop. We talked about the bad people who had made a bad decision that day. We talked about the many families that were missing their mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers and we prayed for them to feel peace as they go forward each year. I know Katie didn't quite understand all we were talking about, she couldn't believe that airplanes could be taken into buildings, and Zach was amazed that someone would want to do that. So we prayed that God would not allow this to happen again.
I'm so thankful that even with recalling those events and talking about it with the kids that I was able to give them a message again that God is in control. Sometimes bad things happen, and sometimes we won't know why they have happened. But we love and serve a God that is bigger then all of that.
September 11th will always be a day of Remembrance. We should never forget those that lost their lives, but we should also never forget the way the country came together. 7 years later, it's hard to say if the US still feels connected to one another. My prayer as I write this today is that it won't take another act of violence for the people of our country to open their eyes to the world around them and start to make a change in how we live.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Gas Money?

Do you know someone who might be interested in more information about being a Creative Memories Consultant? Someone who is in need of gas money, extra income or simply would like to be able to work from home? Join Creative Memories Field Development Managers and other Home Office staff on a Business Opportunity phone call. Dates, times and phone number are listed below. I would be glad to listen to the calls with you and help answer any questions you may have after the call.
You choose the call that works best for you Call (866) 285-7780, pass code 2163111. • Thursday, Sept. 11 - 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. • Friday, Sept. 12 - 11 a.m. • Saturday, Sept. 13 - 9 a.m. and noon • Sunday, Sept. 14 - 8 p.m. • Monday, Sept. 15 - Noon and 9 p.m. • Tuesday, Sept. 16 - 1 p.m. and 10 p.m. • Wednesday, Sept. 17 - 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
The calls are 30 minutes and space is limited. All calls are Central Time. If a call is filled to capacity, make sure to try another time. No registration necessary.

Now is the time to get on board, with our starting kit only $70. What a great way to earn extra income, get products at a great discount and make new friends.

For more information contact me at 440-243-2325 or kropwithkathy@yahoo.com

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We're All In The Same Boat

Spent some time today with Area Leaders for Creative Memories and discoved we're all in the same boat. (could be why somedays it feels like it's sinking!). We all have kids and homework, and kid issues. For some it's teenagers for some it's early elementary school. We're all trying to run our businesses, families and lives while trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and balance between all the areas.
So, how do we do it. Crazy enough it comes back to the same things we learned in early elementary school about getting ready for a project. Make a list of what needs to be done, prioritize and start. So, apparently we have the skills it's just we lose focus. With that in mind, the list is going to be added to this evening, as I come up with a list of what my goals for my business, family and home are. Of course where all of these are concerned it will be best to discuss them with Phil and find out what his goals are. Then allowing him to lead our family in the direction it should go and start walking!
It won't all get accomplished over night, there will always be more to the list. Sitting back and doing nothing won't help either. It's a project, that's what life is all about, to quote one of my favorite shows West Wing..."ok, what's next?"

Monday, September 8, 2008

Got time to Read??

Got time to Read??? Usually, I'd say no! But I'm convinced that a little stress relief each day will make the work easier, and put me in a better mood so, I'm allowing myself time to read or relax a bit everyday. Of course what to read is always a good question.
My newest book obsession is anything by Karen Kingsbury. She has a style that allows you to feel like you know the characters and their lives. The Baxter series which is actually 3 different series combined is a must read. Having finished that, except for the final book to be released later this month, I'm now reading the Forever Faithful series. They are great books and easy to read. Now if I could just convince myself that doing laundry is a stress relief activity too I'd be all set!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Making a Difference

Creative Memories makes a difference in the lives of the people that come in contact with it. Whether it is through their personal photo albums, or memories that they have seen celebrated in others albums. Over the past few years Creative Memories has helped out the Alzheimer foundation and now we are working with Make A Wish Foundation.

This was taken from a news post on our consultant site.
Getting started early with the Make-A-Wish Foundation®
Creative Memories has a long-established reputation for giving back to the communities in which we live and work. Whether at the local level helping individuals or at the national level as a corporate sponsor, we consider it an honor to help organizations whose mission, like ours, is rooted in the service of others. It’s a commitment we’re proud to share with you and one we’re excited to continue with our next non-profit partner, the Make-A-Wish Foundation®.
While our official partnership with the Make-A-Wish Foundation begins in January 2009, many of you have expressed interest in helping the Foundation right away.
There are many volunteer opportunities available at your local Make-A-Wish chapter, ranging from granting wishes and staffing events to helping with communications and providing office assistance.
To find a local chapter and learn how you can help, go to wish.org and enter your zip code at the top of the page.

I'm sure not only consultants can help the Make A Wish Foundation.

To prove how dedicated the company is to them, recently their was a price discrepancy with the catalogs that we purchase. Some people were charged $5 a pack instead of $4 so instead of going through and sending everyone the dollar back for being over charged CM took the extra dollar made and sent it on to Make A Wish, raising quite a bit of money for them.

We can make the difference in the lives of a child or anyone, we just need the chance to show people how to do it.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mission Organization

I'm so excited! I just read in the news of Creative Memories that our power sort box is back. It wasn't gone for long, only a couple of months and only because they SOLD OUT! They are that incredible. This box allows you to sort 2400 photos, keep them organized and potentially move them into an album of some type for greater enjoyment. It is an awesome thing. I know many people have the paper/card board boxes sold as "photo" boxes at local stores. Many have their photos stored in Rubbermaid containers as well. The problem is that cardboard and Rubbermaid/plastic, are not photo safe. They both contain chemicals that can over time transfer to your photos and destroy them. Why not keep your photos in a box that has been lab tested for safety, durability and long term use.
Not only do we have an awesome system for 2400 photos, we also have the mini power sort boxes for 600 photos. Good for one child, or one subject. We've also just launched a memorabilia box good for baby booties, and other special things you want to keep in a safe environment. Can't wait to open mine up and put it to use.
As always www.mycmsite.com/kropwithkathy for all your photo needs

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The List

Did you ever seem to notice that no matter what you get crossed off a list it somehow never stops growing. I was feeling pretty good this morning about what had gotten done this weekend. We managed to get some weeds pulled, the hostas and bushes trimmed and Phil even got the shed cleaned out. On my walk back to the house this morning I got to thinking, that the yard already is starting to need raked...add that to the list my mind said.
And that is just it, I'm always having to add stuff to the list. Dishes need done again, the dishwasher needs emptied and the laundry is going to need folded. So with the ever growing list how do we feel like we've gotten anywhere. I guess that's where the whole Eat that Frog concept comes in. If you have never heard of the book Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy, you probably are thinking that I'm crazy. But the concept is simple. Each day starts with a bunch of stuff you are never going to get completely finished. So instead of being overwhelmed by what you are not going to get done, you need to take the plunge, eat the frog so to speak and tackle the most important things.
The frogs around here today...laundry! It piles up when my in laws visit as they take over the laundry room with their luggage. The dishwasher, again an issue with having company for the weekend. Business wise, 10 calls to rebook events that somehow cancelled for this month, and finishing Augusts paperwork. Those are the 4 frogs for the day, we'll see what other toads pop up along the way.

Also, for anyone who happens to read this, my husband and a group of Computer guys are taking the challenge to be able to do 100 push ups by the end of the year a day. So...anyone interested in joining the female version of this we're going to be doing sit ups/crunches...started today with 30! Let me know if you want to join in the fun.