Friday, January 2, 2015

Books and a New Year!

For the past several years I've challenged myself to keep reading. It's something I love to do, but have found I don't always take the time to do.  Reading grows your mind in so many ways and in an edge where we're plugged in way to often it's a way to escape and find some peace and direction.  It can take you places you never imagined, and show you how to live life to the fullest where you are at.  Last year my goal was to read more than the previous year's 74 books. Which is at least the number I remembered to blog! I didn't quite make it, coming in at 63 books. This year, I don't have a total in mind yet. I always like to aim for more than the year before, but being realistic I don't want to go from plugging into devices to being so lost in a book that I can't take part in the lives of my family and friends.  I have several books I've found on my shelf while straightening up a shelf in my bedroom, so I would like to get through those this year for sure, but what else I read has yet to be determined!  I did find an interesting Reading Challenge that I have decided to try though.  Feel free to join me as I read in 2015. Who knows, it just might change your life!

My First book of the new year is:

In a generation of kids being forced to grow up too soon, I want to protect my daughter from growing up too fast. 

I plan on reviewing the books I read as I go, so stop back for more info on what I've read, and what I will be reading.  Feel free to let me know what you are reading too?  We could discover books we never dreamed of finding!

Happy Reading, and Happy New Year!

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