Saturday, July 14, 2012

Life Flying By

While I hate to write this, summer is 1/2 way over. It seems hard to believe, but lately I've realized how fast life is really moving along.  I remember back, now 11 years, when people would stop me and say "enjoy them while they are young they grow up so fast" and I would think "if only they would!"  Usually, my reason for feeling that way was that it had been a difficult day with a toddler, or we were in some stage such as the dreaded potty training years.  Now, while I don't really want to revert to the toddler years I find myself thinking "Life is Flying By".

Both of our kids went off to camp this summer for a week.  Child #2 enjoyed a week of Horse Camp, while child #1 headed to camp with the Youth Group.  Youth Group?!?!?  How is he possibly old enough to be in Youth Group?  Not only did he go to camp for a week he came back as tall as I am.  Seriously?  I realize I'm not very tall, but still there is something about seeing your 12 year old look you in the eye that just makes you realize that time is Flying By, and life just keeps rolling along with it. 

I had goals this summer and am thankful that even with how fast summer is moving along that I've been reaching them.  So far we've managed to declutter mulitple areas of our home, as well as with just a few small purchase improve areas as well.  I've found a great website,, where I've discovered mulitple ideas that are helping the house run smoother.  Including screen time tickets!  The kids have been earning them for doing their summer reading and instrument practice as well as chores.  The best thing is, the house is getting cleaned without them realizing they are helping me as much.  Which is freeing me to do other things.  Week 1 has gone well with them, so only 2 more weeks to go to make it a habit.

Speaking of habits, we are also getting into the habit of making healthier choices.  Food wise, exercise wise, and reading wise.  It's not easy to make good choices, but it's the right thing to do.  The hardest part is the society we live in that feels a small soda should be the size of what was a large soda when we were kids.  Portions are out of control.  Which is why we, as a society, look the way we do.  So learning to stop it is the next goal for our family. 

Goal setting helps give us direction and helps us to really think about what is important.  As I look my son in the eyes these days, and watch my nephew go off to college (not sure how that happened either), I realize that with Life Flying By making our moments count is so much more important.  Yes each day offers a ton of things to get done, but by concentrating on the 10 things on the to do list only and ordering what really needs to get done each day, I've found for us that we can achieve those things and still have time to relax, and just spend time together.  Also, that times comes with less stress over "when am I going to get the things done", because the list each day is not overwhelming.

I guess these are just the somewhat random thoughts I have for today.  Now since Life is Flying By, I need to get out there and enjoy it!

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