Monday, February 22, 2016

“She needs to sort out her priorities” -Ron Weasley

JK Rowlings line from the Sorcerer's Stone is certainly an example of how out of whack our priorities can be.  We've all been there though, right? Or is it just me??? I hope you are all yelling that it's you too right now!

Most of us have a list of priorities. Sometimes we have the life "priorities" the things that we feel we need to put first in our lives, and sometimes we have the daily priorities. The fight is getting the two sets to line up. When we don't we end up making statements like Hermione did in the movie.  We end up giving up, throwing in the towel and essentially going to bed before someone comes up with that plan that will wreck what we were thinking.

Proverbs 16:1 says "We can make our own plans, but the LORD gives the right answer" NLT

So, how do we go about making plans, that the LORD will give the right answer too? Plans that line up with Him?  I've been spending a lot of time thinking about that again lately. I'm a list maker, a planner, an organizer. Yes, I know that means I'm type A and possibly rigid with my planning, but that's the part that I've really been working on.

It's been a multiple year process and one that will most likely continue to need to be revived. Here is where I'm at now though.

I start, as so many have suggested, with my list of things that I find important.

1. My relationship with God
2. My relationship with my husband
3. My relationship with my children
4. My relationship with other family members
5. My relationship with friends
6. My job
7. My home
8. My health
9. My hobbies
10. My goals

From there I try to build my day. There's a list for me, there's always a list, but sorting out my priorities mean that on any given day I'm willing to let the list go, or rotate what is taking the top position. Yet, how do I do that? One of the things I do is make sure I don't have too  many things on the list. I've heard the number is 6 I've heard the number is 10, but regardless we need to keep in mind we can't do it all in one day!

Next I spend time thinking about the things that are non negotiable.

I need daily time in the Word. When I don't take the time for that, I loose my focus and my plans, no matter how well thought out, tend to get messed up.  Are there days that I don't get this time first thing? Yes. Life does happen, but my goal is to make time first thing in the morning to spend time with God in His Word.  When that doesn't happen I purposely leave my Bible out on the kitchen table so I don't forget.

The other non negotiable items rotate.  There are days when the projects or appointments the kids have to get done or get to, need to take priority over other things that are on the to do list.  Three days a week my job has to take priority over my home, as those are the days I teach.  Regardless, I try to take some time for each of the things on my priority list at least once a day.

So what does this look like in real life?
Let's look at today.

 6 am-       Up, dressed, finished packing lunches FAMILY PRIORITY

6:15 am-  son asks me to drive him to school (Priority interruption taking place!!) He's been sick, so getting him to school needs to outweigh some other things on the list.

6:15am-6:45 Time in the Word RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD

6:45 am Make sure daughter is up and then out the door with son, prayer time in the car on the way home RELATIONSHIP WITH KIDS

7:00 am back home. Took 10 minutes to complete a form that son needs for school tomorrow-which was on the to do list for the day HOME LIFE STUFF

7:10 am out the door with daughter  RELATIONSHIP WITH KIDS

7:30 am arrive at a local middle school to borrow music for my band program
 and catch up with friends that teach there JOB AND FRIENDSHIPS

8:00 am Grocery store HOME LIFE

8:45 am Home, Groceries away, laundry started, and getting ready for work HOME LIFE/JOB

9:30 am Finishing this blog!!! HOBBIES/GOALS

Out the door for work

10-3:45 pm Work JOB PRIORITY

3:50 pm Take daughter to appointment KIDS

5:00 pm Make and eat dinner HOME LIFE/FAMILY TIME

6:00 pm Walk dog with Hubby RELATIONSHIP TIME

6:30 pm Rec Center for Workout Class HEALTH

8:15 pm Home for rest of laundry, homework, and any chores that need done FAMILY AND HOME

10:00 pm Read for 20 min. GOALS

Obviously, I'm only to the 9:45 am time frame so things may change, but this is the plan at the moment.  Keeping in mind that God may have different plans for my day helps me to be more flexible.  Knowing that His ways are perfect and that I can rest on Him, also helps me to realize that there are days when the list doesn't get done and instead of saying "I got nothing done today" I'll know that my priorities may have changed, but that I tried my best to put first what needed to get done first and let things that could wait be pushed aside so that the people and things that need to take priority don't get neglected along the way.

Got to run! As, the time is now slipping away! But, being a bit flexible means I'm not in panic mode, but relaxed because I got to spend a few minutes on my hobby!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Never Thought This Would Happen!

Trying to get back on track with an eating program, fitness program, or just plain healthier lifestyle is not easy.  We've all read and heard what we are suppose to do, and how to do it. The true secret to anything though is just doing it!  Yet, we struggle. We don't want to fail, so often we don't try.  I'm as good at the excuses as anyone.  Just the same January of 2014 I decided I was done with the excuses and I was going to change. 

For several months I did try on my own using the app MyFitnessPal, which I highly recommend, but I was using it to log food and exercise and then if I was still hungry quickly exercising to get more calories so I could eat more.  What a crazy cycle.  It did work though to the tune of 20 lbs, so I was ok with it. That was the year when all the stations and magazines were advertising the quick weight loss pill that would attack the fat cells and strip them away. You don't even need to exercise they all claimed. Sounded too good to be true, but I wanted to kick start my weight loss in a big way so I talked to my friend who's a nutritionist to get her take. She told me they weren't FDA approved, big surprise, and so I decided not to go that route. 

Instead, she invited me to come see her.  She told me she had a program that she was using with clients to really get them going and while it was hard maybe I should consider it. I figured I'd tried so many other things why not. This program has to be monitored by a nutritionist and doctor, so I'm not going to share many details here, but basically it's a carb free diet.  I started September 1, 2014 a year later I was down 110 lbs! The crazy thing was it was the easiest thing I had ever done...when I remembered to stay focused! Over this fall I'd lost my focus a little and let myself  splurge a little too often.  In the process I gained back 15 lbs.  Ugh!

I knew what I needed to do so January of this year I decided to get back into  a healthier lifestyle, by eating better and working out more.  I really wanted to focus on toning so I joined the Mofit classes up at the Rec center with Maureen Hausler.  In a month I can already tell a difference in my strength level.  I went from 5 lb weights in January to 10 lb weights as of today.  I've met some really encouraging people, and various exercises that I couldn't possibly do before, I am starting to be able to do.  In fact, you can ask my husband, I'm even bowling better as I can now really throw a 11 lb ball.  Not that I'm great at it, but still it's better! 

But that's not what I never thought would happen....

I'm not sure what it is about running into people you knew back when that makes us self conscious, but there's just something about it.  I've always struggled with feeling inadequate when I've run into people from the past. Like I was being judged for how I looked or what I did. In truth I don't think the people probably even cared, but I felt that way just the same. Since starting to lose weight and be healthier I've been a bit less self conscious, but still when walking into a gym/rec center I'd still shy away from people I knew.  

Today, I crossed over the bridge of worrying about it because I realized I'm at a place I never dreamt I'd be. 

I was running late to my class this morning and when I walked in there was someone I knew from High School.  We had some classes together, but over all ran in different crowds. Of course to make matters worse it was a guy. (No offense to him, but just a disclaimer I never had a crush on him. Thought I'd better make that clear!) Everyone got started working out and half way through class it hit me. I'm not sure what Maureen even said now, but I remember saying "I'm in better shape then I was in High School" 

Seriously!!! I've been out of High School for almost 25 years, and I'm in better shape now!?  Life takes us on many adventures, but finding the focus to become healthier was an adventure I wish I had taken sooner. Yet, instead of dwelling on the past I know I am determined to keep moving forward. 

God works in mysterious ways.  Yesterday I received a package in the mail that was supposed to have a small treat in it, mine came without the treat helping me to maintain my focus and not eat those empty calories and carbs. Today He put someone from my past in my path and helped me to see that I am healthier now then I was ever then. Something I truly never thought would happen! 

The journey isn't over, but I can't wait to take the next step!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

When did they get this old?!

Just got off the phone with the Ohio BMV, scheduling my son's driver's license exam!! When did he get that old? Further more, when did I get that old?  Time sure is flying by.  I wouldn't want to change it, except to maybe slow it down just a little bit.  Too soon we'll be finalizing all the collage stuff!  It's unbelievable.

I've said often to parents of little ones when they have asked with huge eyes of concern "does it get easier?!", that unfortunately "No, it just get's different!" I suppose that's not entirely true, some things get easier.  They can get dressed, and take care of their basic needs on their own. Most of the time they can finish their homework on their own. But instead of he or she stole my toy, it's does he or she like me, and then it's my girlfriend or boyfriend hasn't texted me back today, do you think there's a problem? Things that once took a hug to fix, now take hours of pondering together. Yet, that's kind of nice too.  Especially since for the most part they are still wanting to ponder those things with me!

The one thing no matter what age the kids have been at I've found is that being there for my kids is vital to their health.  Being there for their friends is vital for their relationships.  I always wanted to be the house where the kids want to hang out at. Yes, sometimes that means there are times when I'd love quiet and instead I get teenagers. All too soon the house will be empty and I can have all the quiet I want. For now, I'll take the noise, the video games, the movies and the drama! I'm blessed to be their mom and to be able to talk to them, and guide them, to train them in the way they should go. Hoping and praying that when they are old they won't depart from it as scripture says.  I'm glad their friends/girlfriend/boyfriend, talk to me too!  If I can continue to invest in all their lives and help them to be better people I'll willingly take the time to do just that!

So, having a driver before the end of the month is just the next step in this journey God has given me.   A journey I'm blessed beyond belief to have!