Funny how something as simple as blank space on a calendar can really improve so many things. I'm looking at my calendar now, and while there are many things written on it, there are even more things Not written on it. For once in a long time there is space.
The real question is how to keep that space there. It's a matter of choices and we all make so many of them and get pulled in so many directions. As one thing ends we quickly pick up the next thing. And while many of them are good things, there are simply to many of them.
God wants to give us life to the full. Not necessarily a over full life. We, in general, are over tired, over committed, over busy people. I read the kids the Berenstain Bears Too Much Pressure book the other night, and chuckled to myself about having time to just sit around and do nothing. What a concept!
Spring is almost here (I can dream at least) so it's time for a new look at things. This year, I want to have time to sit around with my family and choose to do nothing. Time to say "yes" when the kids ask to play a game or watch tv. Time to say "yes" to just being together without it being a planned trip somewhere.
It sure makes the whole day look brighter when you can see space at the end of the day to relax.
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