Monday, December 31, 2012

Becoming More Organized in 2013

Yes, the new year always brings about a start of new ideas and new goals.  Something about starting over with a fresh slate that just gets under almost all of our skin.  I had decided that this was going to be the year where I finally finished off projects that I've started throughout the house, and also scaled down our stuff and got more organized.  (Funny, I can see my best friend rolling her eyes at me!) I admit I am addicted to books, magazines and posts about being more organized.  In fact that is what is drawing me to write this blog and accept the challange for the blog that I'm linking to.  Want to join me?  Want to get more organized in 2013?  I'm accepting the challenge, consider accepting it with me.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Reading Challenge

In 2011 I decided it was time to start reading again. Not that I hadn't been reading, I just hadn't been taking the time to have "me" time which would allow for finding a good book to sink into.  My goal back then was 12 novels.  I read, or at least logged 44 books that I read during 2011.

This year, my goal was to read even more.  I know I read several books between January and March of this year, but in March I purchased a Kindle Fire and the reading took off.  Between March and yesterday, I read 55 books!!  I can't believe it.  What's even better is I didn't pay for any of those books.  I found 2 great links to follow that offer FREE kindle books on a daily basis. One is and the other is I also found various pages to like on Facebook that also offer FREE books!  In fact at this point I have over 400 books on my amazon kindle list and I've only paid for 5 of them! 

With the goal of reading more than I did this past year, I also have the goal of writing up book reviews of what I have read.  Hopefully, 2013 will allow me to find the time needed to write a quick review after I finish a book.  To get started I've created a list of the books I read in 2012.

Happy Reading!!

2012 Book List
Mother Daughter Book Club
Mother Daughter Book Club (MDB) Much Ado About Anne
MDB Pen Pal
Stars Collide
MDB Pies and Prejudice
MDB Home for the Holidays
Confessions of a Shopaholic, Takes Manhattan
COS Ties the Knot
COS Shopaholic and Sister
COS Shopaholic and Baby
One Minute Organizer Plain and Simple
Chasing the Rainbow
Organized Simplicity
Always the Wedding Planner never the Bride
Girl Talk
The Rockstars Daughter
Must Love Dogs
My So Called Life As A Proverbs 31 Wife
Plan On It
Always the Baker Never the Bride
Always the Designer Never the Bride
Cool Beans
A Good Wife's Guide
Suddenly a Spy
Creative Chaos
The Last Good Man
Sweet Baklava
Search Committee
Chocolate Beach
Truffles by the Sea
My Stubborn Heart
One Crazy Summer
Stirring Up Trouble
Georgia On My Mind
The Perfect Blend
Dream Kisses
Around the World in 80 Dates
Head Over Heals
The Thirteenth Stone
That's My Teenage Son
Delivered with Love
In Between
North of Superior
Her Best Catch
Thirty Days Hat
200 Best Kindle Fire Apps
The Wedding Wager
Leave it to Chance
Her Minnesota Man
The Last Bride of Ballymuir
Winning the Clutter War
Across a Moonlit Sea
Think About Love

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Life Flying By

While I hate to write this, summer is 1/2 way over. It seems hard to believe, but lately I've realized how fast life is really moving along.  I remember back, now 11 years, when people would stop me and say "enjoy them while they are young they grow up so fast" and I would think "if only they would!"  Usually, my reason for feeling that way was that it had been a difficult day with a toddler, or we were in some stage such as the dreaded potty training years.  Now, while I don't really want to revert to the toddler years I find myself thinking "Life is Flying By".

Both of our kids went off to camp this summer for a week.  Child #2 enjoyed a week of Horse Camp, while child #1 headed to camp with the Youth Group.  Youth Group?!?!?  How is he possibly old enough to be in Youth Group?  Not only did he go to camp for a week he came back as tall as I am.  Seriously?  I realize I'm not very tall, but still there is something about seeing your 12 year old look you in the eye that just makes you realize that time is Flying By, and life just keeps rolling along with it. 

I had goals this summer and am thankful that even with how fast summer is moving along that I've been reaching them.  So far we've managed to declutter mulitple areas of our home, as well as with just a few small purchase improve areas as well.  I've found a great website,, where I've discovered mulitple ideas that are helping the house run smoother.  Including screen time tickets!  The kids have been earning them for doing their summer reading and instrument practice as well as chores.  The best thing is, the house is getting cleaned without them realizing they are helping me as much.  Which is freeing me to do other things.  Week 1 has gone well with them, so only 2 more weeks to go to make it a habit.

Speaking of habits, we are also getting into the habit of making healthier choices.  Food wise, exercise wise, and reading wise.  It's not easy to make good choices, but it's the right thing to do.  The hardest part is the society we live in that feels a small soda should be the size of what was a large soda when we were kids.  Portions are out of control.  Which is why we, as a society, look the way we do.  So learning to stop it is the next goal for our family. 

Goal setting helps give us direction and helps us to really think about what is important.  As I look my son in the eyes these days, and watch my nephew go off to college (not sure how that happened either), I realize that with Life Flying By making our moments count is so much more important.  Yes each day offers a ton of things to get done, but by concentrating on the 10 things on the to do list only and ordering what really needs to get done each day, I've found for us that we can achieve those things and still have time to relax, and just spend time together.  Also, that times comes with less stress over "when am I going to get the things done", because the list each day is not overwhelming.

I guess these are just the somewhat random thoughts I have for today.  Now since Life is Flying By, I need to get out there and enjoy it!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

When Life Gets in the Way

Funny how LIFE can just sneak up and get in your way! I don't really mean day to day life either.  We all have day to day life, cooking, laundry, making sure kids are not injuring each other as they display wonderful characteristics of sibling love. (yes, I'm being SARCASTIC! on the kid thing).  It's the other things though.  The extra things that swoop in and steal your time.  The truth of it is that they aren't always bad things, just things none the less.

I was crusing along through the first week of summer vacation.  Fridge, Freezers, closets...etc were cleaned out.  A small pile began to appear on the hockey table of things that we as a family do not need anymore.  When a friend who might need them came over I passed them on. Things were going along at a great speed.  I was feeling good about the fact that each morning I was spending time with God, getting a bit of exercise each day and spending some quality time with the kiddos that didn't involve raising my voice.  Then this week came along.  Sports Camp week!  Now, Sports Camp is one of those things that I choose to help out with.  It was not neccessary for me to function, but it was a bit neccessary for the outreach ministry to function for me to volunteer.  Could they have made it without me.  ABSOLUTELY! Just the same when the church asks you to consider giving up some time, that is a good thing.  How you do it though, is what I mean by "When Life Gets in the Way".

When things in Life come up, when extras start to fill your time, how are you reacting?  I could be sitting at my desk right now completely stressed out about the fact that my daughter's room is still not finished being reorganized (and trust still needs it!), or that the family room really could stand a deep cleaning.  I could be stressed about the fact that this week, due to the heat from being outside everyday, my workouts have consisted of walking the dog and walking kids to and from first aid and the bathroom OR I can make another choice.
In Phillipians, 4:6 it says. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

My request this week is that I would see the benefit of helping out and giving of my time.  That I would get done what needs to get done at the house and feel the freedom to let the things that I would like to get done, but don't HAVE to get done wait. That I would find moments to relax and unwind even though the house is not what I would like it to be. Has it happened?  Have I not stressed out about the other things, I'm happy to say it has.  I decided to join up with some other Moms on a reorganize the house mission this summer.  Each day there is a suggestion for what we should clean or do.  Last week, no problem got it done and then some.  This week I have felt the FREEDOM to read the suggestions and think those sound like great ideas when I have the time to do them.  I don't feel guilty that the other  moms are getting them done and I'm not, I don't feel that I've let them down. It's not a competition, it's a way to help us all move forward.  Twice this week our family has shared meals with friends.  Does the floor need vacuumed, yes, is there stuff to do, yes.  Just the same I relized that this was a good week to kick back and rest and relax some because being out in the 90+ degree heat is draining, and that my family needs to use summer to reconnect with people not just reclaim the house.

Life will continue to happen.  Next week kids are at camp and the love of my life and I get to spend time together without them.  Good time to deep clean the family room huh?  NO WAY!  He and I need quality time, and that involves talking, and walking not vacuuming.  I'm not saying that I won't do my weekly cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping and other weekly must do chores. I'm just saying that the Moms in the reoganize group will have to continue to move on without me, because my relationship with my husband is far more important than whether or not the baseboards have been dusted recently.  Will the baseboards get cleaned this summer, will those extra jobs that never get done be accomplished.  I hope so.  I plan to become a little more like Martha with each passing day, getting a little extra done and done right.  I just don't want to turn my back on Mary and realize that I missed what was really important when I get down the road further in this life.

May you too find your priorities this summer and learn to accept where you are on the journey.  Making it better as you go, without stressing yourself out as you move forward.  Time to go grab the comforter out of the washing machine!  Kids both have friends sleeping over, so getting a few extras done as they sleep then it's off to SPORTS camp for the last day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Week 1 of a Very HAPPY Summer

Summer is moving along.  Hard to believe we are on day 4 of being out of school. It feels good.  While not everything is going perfectly, yes my kids are still fighting, I've decided to try my very best to choose joy and be clothed in humility.  I could grumble and complain about all there is to do around the house. I know friends who would come over and ask me how I can say that, as our house "appears" neat, but trust me the mess is there, whether evident or not.  We all have mess, we all have responsibilities, we all have things that we want to do or should have done.  So, why grumble and complain.  In fact God is very clear in Philippians about doing everything without grumbling or complaining.  I certainly don't do that very well, but I'm working on it. 

Since my last post I have managed to clean our main bathroom.  The floor still needs done, and the tub rechaulked (aren't you glad to know that), but the cupboards are reorganized, the mess is thrown out and the surfaces are cleaned.  Also got the pantry, and linen cabinet done. The kids have been asked to go through t-shirts and pjs, and I checked, they did pretty good. Today is DESK day.  We all are going to go through our desks.  Kids aren't so happy about it, but that's just part of summer too.

Fun wise, we've camped in the backyard, went to the beach, went canoeing, bought a slip in slide for $6, made shakes, ate ice cream, and saw the new Madagascar movie!  Not bad for a list so far.  Even better we haven't spent all that much $$$ either. Today, as I write this at 10:15 am only one kid is awake, and she just woke up. 

We will continue to enjoy this summer, get stuff done and choose joy for our day.  It won't be perfect along the way, but we're going to keep moving forward.

Off to clean my desk, might even tackle my whole office!!! Then I'm thinking a walk with the dog sounds like a good way to take a break!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer 2012 is finally here!!!

Honestly, it seemed as though summer was never going to truly be here.  With temps in the 80's in March (of course before we had spring break!) we started the long journey of being teased with summer.  Yesterday it arrived.  Ok, not officially as it's not yet June 21, but really how do the majority of us recognize that it's summer?  WHEN SCHOOL IS OUT!  So here we are.  I guess the question now should be now what?!? 104 days to plot a course of action, to reconnect with the family and to capture memories. In reality though shouldn't we spend 365 days connecting with family and capturing memories?  Guess that's a topic for another time.  Today I'm launching into my families summer with some goals.
The goals:
1 Spend time with God daily!  Without this, I know that the summer, and my life would not be the same.  Spending time with Him helps me focus on what is really important. I read today in Haggai (yes, you can learn from these books too)  “Give careful thought to your ways. 6 You have planted much, but harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink, but never have your fill. You put on clothes, but are not warm. You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it.” Haggai 1. Am I being consistent.  I might be planting, but am I remembering to maintain, to check back on it, to keep the process going by weeding out what isn't necessary and fertilizing the good things.  Or am I just putting the idea out there and hoping it will take care of itself.  Am I fueling my body and my families bodies with good things that will really keep us going?  Am I wasteing money?  These are lessons I learned from one small moment with God today.  He wants to speak to me so much more, but am I listening, and taking time to do that? 
2 Spend quality time with family This one should be easy.  Yet, it's not.  It is so easy to get caught up in all that needs done and not really listen or know what my  husband and children would like to do.  Sometimes this costs money to find the right activity, but just last weekend we had a wonderful 2 hour time together walking a trail in the metroparks for FREE! Some creativity is in order, but especially since it is summer finding time to just stop and do what they are doing is important.
3 Reclaim the house If you know me, you are most likely going to say that the house is in good order.  If you lived here, you would know that I'm just good at hiding some of the mess.  This past year I worked practically full time, and got lazy when it came to time at home.  So this summer I want to get things put back together, know what needs to get put on the "what needs done" list and come up with a doable plan for keeping the house running whether I'm at work or not.

Those are the 3 main goals.  There are other things I hope to accomplish too, write more, read more, scrapbook more, exercise more...the list could go on and on. These are my starting point though.  I could spend another ten minutes writing about what is going to happen first, but there is a load of laundry to move to the dryer, two kids to try to get to go on a bike ride or walk with me, and then our main bathroom is going to get some attention.

Happy Summer!  Time to get moving!