I committed to becoming more organized in 2013, and so far it's going well...ok! To be honest, if I looked at myself through the eyes of many of my friends they would tell me to get a grip and stop thinking I need to be organized, as no offense to many of them, but I'm slightly, how shall I put it...TYPE A! Yes, I can admit it, just as I can admit that I am addicted to organization books, and organizational tips on pintrest posts. As I spent the last few hours going through my office I've come to the conclusion that the reason why I'm addicted is that I want my home to run smoothly. For me smoothly involves a place for everything, and everything in it's place. When this happens, I don't end up running to the store for that extra craft item the kids need or another folder, when I have a full drawer of folders the kids can choose from. There are certainly areas of my life that stay organized better than others.
Last month the focus was photos. This is one area, that I continually have organized. I thank Creative Memories for that, which you can read about in previous posts should you choose too. This month the challenge on Delightful Order, somewhat changed. The writer of this blog determined that she needs to step back from all she is doing and focus on her family as they are growing up too fast. I applaud her! One of the reasons why things are taking longer for me to get done, is I'm trying to do the same, to spend time with my kids and husband, and not be so "busy" with things that honestly can wait. Instead of a new challenge posted each week she has posted the entire year, with the information under each tab. This month is Craft Room organizing. For me, that means my office as my office is my craft room as well.
The first step in organizing my office was rearranging it. It was functioning before, but was beginning to feel closed in. By changing some things around, including turning a shelf on it's side, I've been able to find more useful storage space. In January, I had organized my files so organizing the 2 other drawers in my desk didn't take much time. I purged old pens, pencils and markers, and used a drawer organizer I had purchased at Ikea to maintain the top drawer. Next up was my desk surface itself. The more stuff we have on a surface, honestly the more messy it can seem. My desk top is down to my printer/scanner topped with a basket where I place my to do items, forms to fill out, or things I need to respond to. Each Sunday, I clear it out of anything I didn't take care of during the week. By having the items I need to take care of in this basket, it's easy to grab a couple of things to put in my purse to take with me for working on in the car, or during a break at work. The other items on my desk are a stapler, adding machine, and a mug with a few pens, pencils and a pair of scissors, plus of course my computer. That is all. The white space that I have open around me, makes me feel less closed in, and more productive.

Step two for me, was my craft desk. I got rid of those things that I set aside thinking I would use someday, and haven't yet used. Again, I focused on making sure everything that was there had a place and if it didn't belong it moved on, either to the garbage, to it's actual home in the house, or to the bin in my laundry room to donate. From there I reorganized my paper, stickers, and other scrapbook materials. Again, I looked at everything from the perspective of will I honestly ever use this stuff. Funny, how the desk, craft desk and my scrapbooking things were the easy part of the process. What I worked on today was all
the rest.
The rest is all those things you may need for school projects, construction paper, Styrofoam balls, pipe cleaners, envelopes for mailing things, or for projects waiting to be accomplished. The stuff that simply is necessary, but not pretty to look at. I looked around the house first for containers that were not being used and moved them into the office. Then the sorting began. I put computer type items and office supplies near my desk, and craft supplies were grouped together as well. As I went I made note of things that I need on my grocery list, such as business envelopes. Here is how I grouped things:
On the shelf

Sewing machine, and sewing kit
Sewing machine parts, knitting items and cross stitch went into their own bin.
Business items for my Creative Memories business
Office items: I filed in a box, stamps, note cards, and address labels.
Projects currently being worked on have their own shelf now
Books and extra office supplies.
Markers, Crayons, Craft books
Construction paper, stencils and stickers

In a cabinet
Paint, Glue gun and glue sticks
Extra school craft supplies: glitter, Styrofoam, pipe cleaners etc
Frames to be reused
Computer related items
Camera related items
I'm thrilled it is done, as it was my topic for the month. I still want to go back and label the shelves and items, but I like to wait for a week to make sure it is actually working for me, like I think it will before I do that.