Thursday, March 21, 2013

Book Review: Book 19

Product DetailsBook 19
God Has Better Things to Do Than My Laundry
And Other Obsercations from an Overly Dramatic Mom
by Heather Nestleroad
I have actually been reading this book on and off since January.  It is light hearted, and full of funny situations that all too often I have found myself in as well.  It's has short chapters that make it a good book to pick up and read when you only have a few minutes here and there.  I used this book in that way, which is why it took  me so long to read. In the book Heather reflects on her life as a wife and mom and the funny sitations that we find ourselves in.  It was easy to identify with, and helped me to not take things so seriously at times.
I would give this book 4 stars.  

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