Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Book Reveiw: Book 45

Product Details Book 45: Making Waves by Lorna Seilstad

Marguerite Westing is a woman who, while living in 1895, is really ready to be living in a more modern age.  She is full of life, and doesn't like to be told a woman can't do something.  This time it's sailing she discovers on the shores of Lake Manawa, where her family is camping for the summer.  Knowing that she herself can't ask for lessons she convinces her brother Mark to want to learn how to sail.  In the process she comes across a man that might change the course of her life.  The problem is she is all but engaged to another man.  A boring man, as she refers to him.

When her family gets into trouble though, it's that boring man that might be the way out of their peril.  Who should she pursue?  Will she follow her head and protect her family or her heart and find true love. The story had many interesting plot lines.  Just when I thought I'd figured out what would happen another curve was thrown.

I'd give the book 4 stars.  A great summer read!

Next on the reading list: Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst and Cafenova by Jane Schevder


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Book Review: Book 44

Have a New Husband by Friday Book 44: Have A New Husband by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman

First of all, I don't want a new husband, and don't think I need a new husband!  I've been reading long enough to know that when you get to a book with a title like this, in truth it will explain how to be a better wife. In turn, when you are a better wife, it will seem that you have a new husband.  Again, not feeling I need that at all, Dr. Leman is a great writer with a lot of creative and great ideas, and I mainly picked it up to see how I could be a better helpmate.

What I've learned from reading this book is that I'm beyond blessed.  Phil is an amazing husband.  I could expand on that a million different ways and all I'd probably get from some people reading this is either a nod of the head or a roll of the eyes.  With that in mind I did learn that I'm not always such an amazing wife.  I don't always listen fully.  I might appear to be listening, but because I'm a woman I multitask in my brain constantly.  You could be talking to me about what you did yesterday and I'm thinking of the 10 things I need to do, the 5 things each of my kids really need to do, and the other gazillion things I'd like to do if I ever had time to do it.  By not giving my full attention to the person talking, I'm not really showing the love I want to.  It's not an easy process.  Women, by God's grace, were wired different.  So I really need to focus when I'm talking to someone else.  I also learned that sometimes we, as wives, expect our husbands to act the way our best girlfriends do.  That's not going to happen so we need to realize that and move on. Treating our husbands with respect and allowing for our differences as men and women.

The book was a good read, with a lot of ideas. I'm glad I read it, and would certainly recommend it for people who may need some help in their marriages as well as wives who just want to reflect on how they are doing.

Not sure if anyone really reads my blog, but just in case here's one last piece of advice that will change your life forever.  DON'T talk about your husband negatively to anyone, especially not in public.  We all make mistakes, do stupid stuff and irritate each other at times.  By bashing your husband in public you are being disrespectful, inconsiderate, and unloving.  I don't think my hubby is perfect, but I know for sure I am not!  If we need to point out flaws we should be pointing them out to each other, not to the world.

I would give this book 5 stars.  I will also give God continual praise for blessing me with a husband I don't deserve.  Love you Phil!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Book Reviews: Books 42-43

Product Details Book 42: Fatal Affair by Marie Force

This book was a fast pace murder mystery romance.  It kept my interest with it's many twists and turns, and while a little "more" than I usually read, it wasn't awful in that area. 
The characters were believable.  The story revolves around detective Sam Holland who needs to salvage her career after a previous investigation/arrest has a tragic turn.  The problem is the person closest to the recently found dead Senator is a former fling, and man she never quite forgot.  Now she needs his help to solve the case, but also to get on with her life.
This is the first in a series of books. I got this one for free, and don't feel the need to spend money on the second book to keep reading the series.  It isn't that the book wasn't good, I just prefer FREE!  If it ever comes up free, I might continue on with the series, until that point I'm stopping here.

I'd give the book 4 stars.

Product Details Book 43: The Beginning by Karen Kingsbury

This book is the prequel to a new series she is writing. It was a very quick read, and as good as all of her books. She's one of my favorite authors, so that made it an easy decision on getting this book when it came up FREE on inspiredreads.com.  The story is about several characters and how they must face new beginnings after tragedy strikes their lives.  Their decisions to move on impact those around them. The next book is The Bridge, and this book certainly makes me want to read the next book in the series.

Great as always for Karen Kingsbury.
I give this book 5 stars!

Currently reading book 44 Have a New Husband by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman, and Designed for Devotion a 365 day walk from Genesis to Revelations. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Book Reviews: Book 38-41

Product Details Book 38 The Mother Road by Jennifer Allee

Life takes place, sometimes we think, even when following God's will that we will be protected from harm.  The truth is, that is not the case. We are all human, ok in this sense literary characters, but still as people we are never promised that we will be without trials.  In fact the Bible clearly states that trials will come, but that regardless what that trial is, God will walk by our side and guide us, when we look to Him.  Even when we don't look to Him, He is always there by our side.

This book explores the life of Natalie, a successful Christian writer of books on marriage.  Her husband has suddenly announced that he is leaving her, and suddenly she finds her life falling apart. On top of it her mother is taking a turn for the worst with her Alzheimer's and her sister who lives and hour away from her in California doesn't even speak to her.  Her father, in his wisdom, suggests that the girls come visit their Mom.  So after several mishaps of getting started they hit The Mother Road, Route 66 and begin their drive to Illinois.  Along the way they not only discover who they are to each other, but where they should be headed in their lives.

The book, even with it's somewhat deep subject matter of lives torn apart by decisions that have been made, was filled with moments of laughter and a fun read. Especially, on our own road trip.

I give this book 5 stars.

Product Details Book 39 How to Declutter Your Kitchen Read It. Know It. by Higher Read

I'm an addict of organization books. This one was very much like all the others I've read, in terms of it starting with the 3 box, 3 bag, or 3 pile method of organizing. Basically, whenever you start a job you really need to put everything into 3 piles, either Keep, Get Rid of, Or think about.  Your decisions shouldn't be made on emotions but on practical use.  For instance in the kitchen you don't need 5 veggie peelers. Keep the one that really works, pitch the rusty one, and if you think you may need a back up, put it in the think about pile until you get done with the whole kitchen and then revisit the think about it pile and either keep or get rid of those things as well.

I recently went through my whole kitchen and started as the book suggested with food items first.  Those are really easy in many ways, expired throw out, not expired but don't know why you have them donate and then organize the rest by categories that work for you. For me, my pantry is snacks, dinner helps, breakfast items, lunch items and cans or non perishables.  I have the baking items in another cabinet.  The freezer is meats and ice cream on one shelf, and veggies and freezer meals on another.  Yes, my fridge is also organized, but I won't make you crazy with the details of that.

The book was insightful, especially for someone new to organizing.  I did like the suggestion and may use it as I go through the rest of the house of dating the think about it box, and putting it in an attic or garage.  Make a date to go back through it in 6 months, and if you take anything out of it, redate it. If in 6 months you didn't need anything from it, get rid of the box.  I also liked the idea of thinking about your house in terms of "if I had a week to move, could I do it?"  We all have stuff we really don't need and someone else can use. Decluttering is a process.  I feel good about what I've done so far, but feel far from accomplished on it just the same.  We are getting new floors in 2 rooms in 2 weeks, and in the process of moving everything out of those rooms I know I'll really be careful about what I put back in.

I give this book 5 stars for those who really need help organizing, and 3 1/2 for some of us, who are just organizational addicts!
Book 40 NutJob A Squirrel's Dozen Secret Tips 
                                                                  to Productivity by Micah Moss

I'm also addicted to books that give tips for getting more things done. I think the organization and productivity thing goes hand in hand. This book was really fun to read though, as it really did look at squirrels in a light hearted fun way, and how they really focus on what really needs to be done.
The chapters include No Enablers Allowed in the Treehouse, One Nut Mind, and Hoard Those Nuggets. In the chapters the author talks about removing distractions, whether people that are getting in your way of focusing by, changing where you are working, or how much time you allow for visiting each day with co workers. Having the ability to close the door and focus is important. Also, about not keeping a gazillion tabs open on your computer, but focus on one task at a time.  We are all easily distracted, but a squirrel knows what it needs to get done, and does it.  Having a goal is important, but then he also talks about taking that time to play. 
Again, it was a really light hearted look at being more productive.

I give this book 5 stars, and would even consider skimming it again to soak a bit more of the squirrly wisdom in.

Product Details Book 41 A Timeless Love by Jeanne Savery

I am a visual person, and this book almost got skipped in terms of reading it on our road trip simply because the cover photo did not load for some reason on my kindle.  I had made the decision recently though that when I couldn't decide what to read next I would go to the book that was on my kindle the longest and read that, and this one was the winner in that category.  I'm glad I did read it, as it was filled with mystery, and unexpected twists, turns and plots. 
The book revolves around Beth Ralston who has been sent back in time to recover art. She materializes in front of Lord Alexander and while she does not remember what time period she is really from she begins to wonder if it is the one she has arrived in. As she goes through trying to do her job she finds herself becoming attracted to Lord Alexander.  In the century she has been placed she must rely on him to provide her with the proper story for why she is in the area as well as protection from others. She has become a very independent woman and leaning on someone else and working on their schedule is very difficult for her. Especially, when by revealing her mission to Alexander she is breaking rules set in place to protect the time line.
The book keeps you wondering until the end whether her mission with be completed as well as will she in Alexander find a way to be together even though they may or may not be from different centuries.
A great read. I give the book 5 stars.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Book Reviews: Books 36-37

Product Details Book 36: Until Forever by Darlene Shortridge

This story had a really rough beginning. The characters are pulled apart by a tragedy, that they are not sure they will ever overcome. Jessi and Mark must both learn that on our own we can not overcome anything. We need to lean and trust on God's guidance to get us through life's tough circumstances as well as the day to day issues. Sometimes the choice we make will take years or even a lifetime to get past, but when we trust in Him, things are bound to happen. 

The book, while incredibly sad to begin with, had a peace and hope about it that kept me reading it.
The characters were believable and the story was as well.

I would give this book 4 stars.

Product Details Book 37: Prize of my Heart by Lisa Norato

This book was filled with history and romance.
The story revolves around Captain Brogan Talvis, who while at sea, as a privateer, discovers his wife has given their child away to a stranger.  She claims he will never find the boy, and then before he can get home she unexpectedly dies.  Left with no clues he begins to search for anything that might be a lead.  Three year's later he discovers where he is.

He comes up with a plan to rescue his son, but soon discovers that he is being well cared for and loved by the daughter of the man who took him in. Lorena loves the boy and the captain is torn on how to get his son without harming her. He believe is plan will work until another man puts Lorena at risk and he discovers he must put aside his desire to reclaim his son to help the man that has been caring for him rescue his daughter.

This book had many twists and turns, and kept the reader interested throughout the story and sometimes caught off guard.

I give this book 5 stars.
