I've been sick all week, so perhaps it's the time spent getting extra rest. Maybe it's the end of the year. Whatever it is I'm finding myself in need of reshaping my day, and my thought process. Which brings me right back to Proverbs 31.
This is a hard Proverb for most women. It tends to make us feel at first glance like we could never accomplish these things. God does call us to "be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect". Certainly not an easy task. And from the time I've spent in the Word I believe not a task that He expects us to complete while here on earth. What He in is great wisdom is asking is for us to work towards doing the right thing, working diligently. Back to Proverbs...
A good women is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds.
Her husband trusts her without reserve, and never has reason to regret it.
Never spiteful, she treats him generously all her life long.
WOW! Isn't that awesome. I know there are things that bug us about our spouses, I'm sure mine could name a few things about me that he'd like to change. But the point is when there are those things that you would like to see different don't talk about them with everyone!!!! I get so sick of hearing all the stuff people are doing wrong. Why not concentrate on what they are doing right. If we all spent time focusing on the good things, the small annoyances would be just that...SMALL.
Today, try it. See if we all can just say positive things about the people we love. And when others start to complain, why not say, have you made a list of the good things lately.
New year, new life, new focus. Positive and joyous! God wants that for us.
The other focus is on the verse that says
She's up before dawn, preparing breakfast for her family and organizing her day.
Ok, I'm not a morning person, BUT there are ways to organize the day and get back focused on what needs to be done. Working from home allows me the freedom to get things done around the house, while getting work done. But I've strayed away from setting business hours, which in turn has slowed down my business.
Time to get back to Calendar Blocking.
That is taking the day and breaking it down into workable sections of time. Time to focus on different aspects, job, family, etc. For me that's going to mean starting at 9 and working on Creative Memories paperwork, connecting with my team, or working on album projects to refresh my business until 11. From there I can work on other things in the day. If I don't make work a priority it won't work itself.
Let's get going and get inspired to do the right thing and get focused on living a wonderful life!
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