Friday, April 18, 2008

Flat Stanley Hits Canada!

We just received this letter from our new friend in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Up until now the only thing we really knew about the area was that the Canucks play there. Now we know so much more! Here Flat is learning about totem poles.

Dear Zachary,
Well my friend Sandy sent me Flat Stanley and I and a friend Katrina took him on a tour of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
The first few photos were taken at the campus of the University of British Columbia at the Aboriginal, Native Arts Museum. Flat Stanley met a totem pole that was carved many years ago by a carver from the Haida Gwai Band. They are coastal Aboriginals that are known all over the world for their amazing masks and totem poles.
The next place we took Flat Stanley was Stanley Park!! And he was introduced to Major Stanley for whom the park is named.
And finally, we went down to the beach along the Westend of Vancouver and visited an Inukshuk. If you look at the logo for the 2010 Winter Olympics you will see an Inukshuk. These are made by the Inuit people who are Aboriginals way up North in the Province called Nunivuit. . .near the Arctic Circle. . .The Inuit are what you Yanks would call Eskimos!!
Inukshuks are large stones placed to mark a territory, give directions or to represent something. . .like a man in this case. If you look at the stones they are formed to look like a giant man.
Flat Stanley really liked Vancouver a lot. He especially liked driving around in the car with us. I think Flat Stanley hopes, some day, that you too can visit our beautiful city!!
Right now, we're preparing Flat Stanley for a long trip across the Pacific Ocean to visit the land down under. . .who knows maybe he'll see some roos!!
Have a g'day!
Geri De Stefano-Webre, Ph.D.
Can you believe he went to Lord Stanley (of Stanley Cup Fame) Park??? We can just picture Lord Stanley here hoisting the cup above his head. (I'd be remiss to not type GO WINGS right now!) Anyway, perhaps our little hockey player Zach will also get to hoist the cup someday.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

I know where he is!!!

Hi there,
I met Flat Stanley when he was staying at my place with Geri. He just left Vancouver yesterday and said he was going to stay with some new friends 'Down Under' before returning home. I just received word that he was in transit and then I traced down the following info for you:

Ship date April 23, 2008
Destination PASCOE VALE AU
Estimated delivery Apr 29, 2008 by 5:00 PM
Service type Priority Envelope
Tracking results as of Apr 24, 2008 11:14 AM

3:49 PM RICHMOND, BC/Picked up
4:52 PM RICHMOND, BC/Left origin
6:03 PM VANCOUVER, BC/In transit
Apr 23, 2008 10:08 PM OAKLAND, CA/Arrived at FedEx
Apr 24, 2008 2:17AM MEMPHIS, TN/Departed FedEx

Sounds like he's getting around a bit!
Anyway...just thought I would keep you posted.
Take care and tell Zac that Flat Stanley is having a wonderful time but is really looking forward to seeing him again!