Thursday, September 17, 2009

Working Out

Staying healthy is not easy. We've decided to try and start working out as a family to some extent. The kids are both involved in sports where gaining more muscle would be a good thing for their performance and endurance. Phil just recently completed a couch to 5K program and now is starting it with Zach, who has greatly enjoyed his time running with Daddy. For a year now Phil has also been doing a 100 push up workout. I've been trying off and on to get on course with the 200 sit ups program. we're all doing the push ups and sit ups and the boys are doing the running. I'm trying to walk everyday too, but with my schedule it isn't always easy to fit that it.

Today though I have managed a walk, and push ups 8, 10, 7, 7, and 20 and then sit ups (crunches) 15, 18, 10, 10 and 30! Now off to the rest of the day. (with my arms still burning!)

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