Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Book #4 Unlocked

Book #4 is Unlocked by Karen Kingsbury

This is the story of a young man who is locked behind the wall of autism. The onset of his autism happened around age 3. At that time his Mom became his primary caregiver, and after trying desperately to unlock his son his father left the area to battle the seas of Alaska as a fisherman. His mom not only lost her husband to Alaska, but her best friend as well, who didn't know how to deal with this precious little boy changing and being locked inside his own world.
Fast forward to high school and suddenly Holden, who is very interested in music is fascinated by Ella Reynolds who has been cast as the lead in Beauty and the Beast. Life at the high school is not an easy thing. The football players rule the school and they don't like kids like Holden who are different. Will the bullying continue, what will the cost of it be? Who will take a stand?
The story unfolds to show us that we are all locked up in some way. Some of us are locked up emotionally, some of us are locked into who we are seen by others to be. Hardly, any of us know how to deal with everything going on around us. Will that change?
I could tell you more details of the book, but really you just have to read it to find out!

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