I once again am forced to admit I'm an organizational book addict. I suppose there are worse things you could be, so I guess this is one I can live with. Although, I'll have it be known I recently did not purchase the Better Homes and Gardens January organizational magazine, because as I flipped through it I realized I already had viewed all the ideas previously!
This book gives you a day by day job that will allow you to get your whole house organized in 30 days. Truth be told, I did not follow each step. What I chose to do was create a list in Cozicentral.com where as I read a tip I thought was worth it I would then add it to that list. I don't have time each day to follow the tip for the day. Some days I have more time than others, but I have been trying to focus on prioritizing what needs done, and allowing room in each day to truly enjoy the day. Otherwise it becomes all about rushing around.
Some of the tips I found interesting included how to organize the fridge based on the different temperature variations that your fridge has. Not sure I'll use it, as I like the milk on the top shelf, but interesting non the less.
When you read as many organizational books as I do they begin to merge. This one was good, as I could read one little section each day and then jot notes on my list if needed. Some of the things I jotted down are:
dust and vacuum closets
reevaluate the furniture in a room
vacuum behind couches, and the cushions more often
If you want some quick ideas this book is for you. If you want a book you can read a little each day this book is also for you. Don't try to do it all in 30 days though, unless you truly have time, as you will just make yourself feel bad if you don't get your job for the day done!
I'd give this book 3.5 stars. Great resource, I just had most of the tips already accomplished.
Currently reading The Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Decided reading 1 book at a time instead of my usual 3 or 4, might help me get it done faster!
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