Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free- Book 5

Product Details
Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

I started this book once in 2013, and then after a few chapters set it aside and got busy reading other books.  As much as I have always enjoyed physical books, reading on my Kindle seems to be so much easier now, that it took a focused effort to work on reading this book as I borrowed it from a friend.

We are lied to by Satan. This should really shouldn't be shocking. He's been lying to us since the beginning of time, trying to get us to see half truths and bold face lies as truth.  He knows the scriptures, and wants to use bits and pieces of them to get us to doubt what we know to be true.  His goal is to render us useless, which unfortunately works on many occasions.

The topics covered are: lies we believe about God, about ourselves, about sin, about marriage, about children and about circumstances. In most of these areas I found myself agreeing that at least on occasion I have believed these lies.  The problem is, when I have I find myself struggling with some many areas.  Speaking and knowing the truth of the Word of God can make a difference.  We need to have a firm foundation and take all information we learn or hear back to the source to see if it is real or not.

I'm glad I read this book, and would suggest it to others who want to actively seek out God and His truth and His Word. 

I'd give this book 5 stars

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