Friday, April 15, 2016

25,000 Advice boiled down to 6 things!

It's Friday!!! Week 1 is done, and yup, I'm a few jobs behind. Add to it that we are headed off for the weekend so on Monday I'll be even further behind BUT...

I have accomplished a few things in the last few years that allow me to's ok to be behind!

Day 4 was about making it workable and I have found this is so true.  I usually spend some time on Sunday getting an idea of what lies ahead and writing it down in my planner. I've also discovered there are certain days of the week, Tuesday and Thursday, where I simply can't do any more. Those are my all day work days and by the time I get home I want to focus on my family not on the house.  With that in mind I have developed workable routines for the other days of the week. There are days where I typically clean, do laundry, shop etc.  Those workable routines help me stay grounded in what really has to get accomplished and not jump from thing to thing and forget what I needed to get down.

With Day 5 we learn about the 25,000 piece of advice and the list of 6 and that has been a huge help to me too! There will ALWAYS be a list.  It's annoying, but it's true. So each day you really have to decide what is the top priority, and what can be left till another day. Yes, usually my day has way more than 6 things on it, but once I've completed the 6 I feel like I've at least gotten somewhere with my day.

Those of you reading along I hope are learning a few tricks that will help you continue to focus on the important and feel a sense of peace about your home.

Have a great weekend, whether you're catching up on jobs or just relaxing!!!

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