Time. It's what we all feel like we lack, and it seems to always be running out. We are currently doing a Bible study on Time with Andy Stanley, and it has been really eye opening. In many ways it's reminding me of things I already knew, but like so many things in life, I need that reminder!
For years I've had a jar of rocks and sand sitting in my kitchen. The illustration is that if I had put the sand (the little things in life, like Facebook, this blog etc.) in first the rocks (or the big things in life, like God, my family, friends, job etc.) won't fit. Yet when you put the rocks in first, the little things still manage to fit too. I'm sure if you really need to see the demonstration for yourself you could google something about jar illustration for rocks and priorities and find it. I know that I need to put certain things first, and most days I do pretty good at that. Just the same, I'm trying to focus more on those big things. Andy Stanley stated "Priorities determine capacity" and that is so true. When we make the priorities come first than we do have room for the nice, but not as important things.
With that in mind, I've realized that while I'm still reading my book, right now unless it's a day off, I really don't have time to do the Martha Challenges. I've still been trying to squeeze them in, but we're in the final stretch of school so that means work stuff for me, and stuff for the kids, and those things need to come first.
Day 9 Was about Tornado Cleaning. I feel like that is a great way to clean on a fairly regular basis. It gets done, and you can move on. It's not a deep clean, but it is certainly picked up and gone over. Which for me is important. Actually accomplished the Martha challenge as I did vacuum the living room! Whohoo!
Day 10 Slow and Steady. That's my declutter and reorganize method. One step at a time, one room at a time and I will eventually get it done. Sometimes it's even one pile at a time, not even one whole room and that's progress. Maybe you need to be packing things up right now. One box at a time is progress too!!! You can keep moving forward and that is the key.
Day 11 (today) is about your home being a reflection of you. Who are you, and how do you want your home to look? I want people to know they can come in and relax. I like my home to be organized, as I'm a bit organized (stop rolling your eyes people who know me well!). At the same time, when people come over I hope they know they can put their feet up and relax, and that when they are over I do the same and stop worrying about what else needs to be done.
I hope you find this book, and it's ideas useful! Kick back and remember slow and steady wins the race. Even the turtle learned that when he was up against the rabbit!!!
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