Thursday, January 24, 2013

January Organization Challange: Organizing Papers Week 4: Coupon and Receipts

Week 4 of the Organization Challenge for the month of January is tackling coupons and receipts. These much needed, much space taker uppers can be a hassle to organize and a hassle to maintain, unless you have a system.  On the blog she talks about using binders to organize both items.  I too use binders to organize coupons and receipts.

Starting with coupons.  I have used the little accordion pocket organizer in the past, but never seemed to be able to maintain a system.  About a year ago a friend mentioned that they used a binder with baseball card holders for the pages.  It took a little bit of time to get set up, but I have found this method works great for me as well.
Here are the steps I've taken:
1. Find a binder in a color you like
2. Purchase 1 pack of clear baseball card sleeves (can be found near baseball cards at least at Walmart)
3. Put the sleeves into the binder and use a labeling system of some kind, (I used post it note strips and scotch tape) to divide the binder into the various types of coupons. For example, breakfast foods, beverages, snacks, cans, meat, paper products, beauty products etc.  If you shop primarily at one store I suggest keeping the sections in order of the store aisle.
4. I use the front pocket of the binder for restaurant coupons and the back pocket for store specific coupons (Bed, Bath, Beyond etc)
5. Set up a place to put coupon fliers as they come into the house. Mine is a Tupperware container in my kitchen cabinet with my recipe books
6. Set a time to cut coupons (tv time, day of the week, etc)
7. File coupons when you cut them into the pockets of the baseball card sleeves
8. Once a month go through the binder and pitch expired coupons
9. Keep the binder where it is easy to access if you are at a store. My binder stays in the car. I just grab it out when I need to file coupons and put it right back so it is ready to go to the store with me.
10. For more information you can google search coupon binder, and find various ways to set one up
11. DON'T BUY THINGS YOU WILL NEVER USE!!!!  I know coupons are great, but is it really a deal if you don't use it, dislike it, or would never buy it without a coupon?  Just something to consider

Receipts are a whole different stack of paper that seems to be taking up space. I use a binder for receipts as well.
My set up looks like this:
1. Front pocket for paid bills: once I get the next statement showing the previous month has been accounted for I shred the already paid bill, and replace it with the bill I am paying for that month
2. Pocket for Large Item purchases
3. Pocket for Christmas Receipts
4. Pocket for Internet orders that do not charge tax (have to account for these on taxes)
5. Pockets for each month
I file the receipts as they come in after I've logged them in my Money Matters software.
I also shred anything that I don't need to keep, for example the Caribou Coffee receipt is no needed once logged, as I'm not going to be returning the coffee! Use a shredder and only keep what is necessary!!!

With my coupons and receipts filed, there is a lot less extra paper lying around.  I also have a accordion folder with a file marked receipts, where we place all receipts, bills or deposits coming into the house before they are logged, paid or taken to be deposited.  That way the financial stuff is always taken care of.

Happy Organizing!

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