Friday, September 7, 2007


It's 7:45 am, kids are playing, lunches need to be finished for school, breakfast made and the day running. Problem is my mind, has been running since I woke up. Running over what really matters and what needs to go. The problem is that there is so much that seems like it can't go. I've been realizing more and more lately it's the little things that add up to a jumble of too much to do. It's hard to come to that conclusion. Now that I'm there the problem is what to do about it.

I sat at a Hockey meeting last night. A meeting that I'm not sure how I really ended up at. Some where over the last 15 years of my life I've become known as the responsible type that will do the job that no one else steps up for. Another Mom and I said we could help the coach out if needed, but what apparently is needed from the meeting standpoints last night is so much more then I have time for. I agree it needs to be done, but I just can't do it. I have so much else going on. It leaves me wondering where to cut.

I now know what the goal for each day needs to be. It needs to be on letting go, and getting rid of things that are interfering with actually living.

One more thing may be small, but then you end up with so many small things that your life is a blur of activities with no time to enjoy the outcome.

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