Wednesday, September 26, 2007

That Never Give Up Spirit!

It's a hard thing being a parent. We do so many things for our kids, with our kids, and because of our kids. We drive them to and from their practices and go to their games ready to encourage them.

Last night I drove the 40 minutes across town with my son for his second hockey game of the season. My mother joined us for what we hoped would be a well matched game. The first game of the season his team had done a wonderful job and had ended the game in a 4-4 tie.

The kids looked great in their new jerseys. The took the ice with excitement, and enthusiasm. Then the game began.

It was a hard thing to watch. The boys played hard. They didn't play perfectly. Sitting in the stands was difficult. There is nothing quite like watching your child playing in a game where the opponent is scoring and your child's team is not.

The other team scored 6 goals in the first period alone. Our boys could have skated off the ice, hung their heads and figured there was no reason to keep trying. Did they? NO! They came back on the ice and held them to only 3 more goals in the second period and then only 2 more in the third.

The parents in the stands tried to encourage them, clapping and cheering them on for simply making good plays. In the end the score was 11-0. The boys were of course disappointed. It's hard to not win, and to be outscored by that amount is difficult as well. Just the same an important lesson was learned. Hopefully, it was learned by the team, parents and coaches alike. While it's easy to point out to your child that you simply can't win every game you ever play. It's only through a life lesson such as the game that teaches them to have a Never Give Up Spirit!

I know it was a loss, but in the end I know I was very proud of both my son, his team and the coaches. They played with courage, and kept going. I hope they all realize that this game not only taught them more about the game, it taught them about life as well.

Way to Go Mustangs, it may have been a loss on the score sheet, but on the score sheet that measures good sportsmanship, character and determination it was a win!


Anonymous said...

get a life!

Kathy Randolph said...

I do believe I have a wonderful life. One where I can be proud of what my children, and my family is accomplishing. In everything we do is a lesson waiting to happen, and these kids learned a valuable one.

Anonymous said...

The google search 'never give up spirit' guided me to your beautiful blog. yes. we can lose, but the never give up spirit is a really good thing we should learn.
Thanks for your precious story.