Have you ever noticed that when things stray from your normal routine everything gets completely thrown off? Friday and Monday the kids had off from school. We had a great time, went to the pool and the mall, played some wii games, and spent time together. Monday Phil also had off which made that day even nicer. Tuesday came and I was lost. Half of the day I thought it was Monday, aside from bible study, Daisy scouts, gymnastics, and hockey that is. Just the same it is now Wednesday and I'm still trying to get the grocery list together and get to the store, normally a Monday or Tuesday task. Get laundry caught up and balance the checkbook. Sometime this month I'd like to finish the taxes but with all the days off here and there it just doesn't seem to get done.
It's not really that I don't like having the extra people home. We've really enjoyed each others company and spent time together. I just wish I wasn't such a creature of habit as when things get out of wack it takes me a few days to recover. That and this weather is giving me a migraine! Oh, well... off to switch laundry and hopefully get back on track.
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