Do you know the song Let it snow Let it snow Let it snow? Here's the new version.
Oh the weather outside is frightful,
and the fire is gas so we don't light it.
Since it's northeast Ohio we just go
On the roads let it snow let it snow
Oh it doesn't show signs of stopping
The weathermen said only 3 inches would be the topping
The only job where you can always be wrong
Let it snow tends to be our song
When the kiddos get out of school
I'll have to go and pick them up
Or on the bus they'd be till tomorrow
Especially if it doesn't let up
It's better to be in school when it's 15*
In the summer we'd just be iching
Oh, well at least there's work to do
Both at home and in school.
Now the day is slowly fading
It's to cold to be outside playing
But it's pretty just the same
And for the next 2 months there will be more of the same.
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