Started a Bible Study today called the Peace Maker. We're also going through the book by Max Lucdao called Dealing with Difficult People. While that may sound like I think I'm perfect and the others are the problem that is not the case. Regardless, in one session I've already realized a very valuable tip. We all have people we'd rather not deal with. Sometimes we are those people to someone else. The first step is trying to see them the way God does. Do we do that? Or do we see them as annoying, bothersome, whiny, etc, etc, etc. If we can see them as someone with value, and look at them lovingly then we can move towards getting along. It's not always easy, we'll make mistakes, but just that stopping and thinking about them as someone with value may just help alleviate some of the mistakes we may make.
Just this morning I know I really needed to stop and see value in my kids, where I was only seeing whining and fighting. They both need to be heard, did I take the time to really listen, or was I too focused on getting out of the house for them to go to school and me to head off to my class. SLOW DOWN, look at the situation, love the people and then deal with the situation. We all make mistakes, we are all imperfect. Now, to apply it and move on.
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