Friday, January 9, 2009 check it out!

As a Mom I'm always looking for ways to help my kids with learning. Spelling is typically practiced at our house on the way to and from hockey practice, gymnastics and church activities. (I strongly suggest if you are on the go a lot to copy the kids lists and keep them in the car, or near where you keep your car keys for grab and go practice.) We've found that to be a quick way to practice most of the time.

Unfortunatly, reciting the spelling for words is not always fun. Luckily, has found a way to make it a bit more fun. The site is FREE! Which is a nice benefit. I started an account in under 2 minutes. The hardest part was picking a name and a password I'd remember, in case my computer forgets to remember it for me. Then when my kids bring home their lists I simply type the words in for them and save them under my childs name and the date of the test. Ex. Zach 1/9 for this weeks list. When we do have time in the evening they can go on and play games that help them to not only practice spelling the words but also learning what they mean. At the end of the week, the night before the test, we log on to the site and they can take a test to see if they've learned the words. I still suggest having them handwrite a practice test too, as it helps to remember what it felt like to write it down. Handwriting a test is also neccessary when the child has to write their words in cursive.

The test function on the site is also good when you first enter the list just to see what words the child really needs to work on during the week. This is a great educational site, and safe to send them to for playing a game. Which as parents we need to be so careful about. Thanks, you've made one area of study a bit easier.

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