Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Working Out

For Christmas I received the Wii Fitness Coach Program, and it's actually pretty good. I was thinking I would like the Jillian Wii Fit program, but then thought it might be to difficult to start with. I'm glad I got the program I did. It's interesting as it has been a different workout each day this week. That's kind of nice as the same ones lose my interest quickly. Each day focuses on a different area, and the "fitness coach" helps you to set goals and a routine. So far I'm 3 for 3 of my 5 days this week. I actually feel pretty good about it too, which is helpful.
It's funny how we think we are still in shape until we start a program. I'm quickly seeing that I've been less stressed and more relaxed since starting it, and also have felt more like eating better too. (Although last night I NEEDED a Pepsi!).
With the kids back in school I'm trying to get back into a routine. I'm hoping it will be a long term one.

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