Friday, January 30, 2009

Car Seat Confusion

Apparently as of 4/6/09 the State of Ohio is changing their car seat law. The new law, as I'm reading it states that children under 8, AND under 80 lbs, AND under 4 feet 9 inches need to be in a booster seat. I have 2 kids. Both have been out of car seats. One for 4 years, and the other for over a year. One is about to be 9 years old, but does not weigh 80lbs and is not 4 feet 9. (My Mom incidentally is just over 4 feet 9- so how will this effect adults???). My other child is 6 and doesn't meet the other criteria. law abiding citizens what do we do??? Naturally, we got rid of the car seats with the exception of one that we keep for my friends 2 year old. So now what???
I'm actually on hold with the pediatrician at the moment scheduling a well check and they don't even know what to say about it. I'm thinking this would be a good use of the grandfather law thing. I think safety is important. My kids have to wear seat belts, but with the new law it looks like I'll be shopping again for car seats.

Pediatrician is going to call me back...they aren't sure either and agree that with the height requirement what will happen to adults not the right height. Guess we'll see what they say too.

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